Stacking the Shelves #350 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It’s hosted over at Tynga’s Reviews.

From the Library:
Gods and Heroes: Mythology Around the WorldNot One Damsel in Distress: Heroic Girls from World Folklore

Can you tell I’ve been working on SRP for 2020???

The Lager Queen of Minnesota

For Review:

Thank you Netgalley and Disney-Hyperion!

The Weekly Wrap-Up:

Tuesday 12/03/19:  Top 10 Tuesday:  Top 10 Holiday Reads!
Wednesday 12/04/19: Waiting on Wednesday: We Unleash the Merciless Storm by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Friday 12/06/19: Book Blogger Hop: TBR Mix-Up???
Me on Instagram:

For December I went a different way with my displays… I finally remembered Fri. the 13th is this month and its winter time, so I went with, “Celebrate Friday the 13th with these CHILLING reads!” Since then, it’s been FLYING off the shelf

This one is pretty boring, just Tis the Season to be Reading and I put some of my favorites. 

Here is our new pupper also. She adopted me lol She was a stray near our family’s house and we went to visit them. She came into our yard and saw everyone there and she got scared. I squatted down to her level and told her come here and instantly, she grew attached to me. And my husband has been wanting a small dog too, so we just took her home. So, we rescued her and she adopted us lol 
What about you?
Get anything exciting this week? 
Happy that it’s almost 2020?
Let me know in the comments! 

One thought on “Stacking the Shelves #350 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

  1. Ooh nice new reads! Lots of new to me ones! I hope you enjoy them all!

    And awww!! What a cute puppy! It's always sad when you see strays like this. But I'm so happy that you rescued her! Our two dogs now were rescues, one more so being rescued from a neglectful breeder and the other an actual Stray Rescue dog. I hope she and Keno become fast BFFs!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her