TTT: Changes in My Reading Life!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Changes in My Reading Life! 

1. I read faster than I used to: I remember when I first started using Goodreads (2012) I was reading only like 65-70 books per year and I was barely scraping by with those. And now I just made 150 with a month and a half left when I barely made 150 and was reading until the very last day! 

2. My reading tastes have changed: I used to be strictly YA, but working at a library has helped me broaden my horizons. Since then I’ve started reading more adult and more books that are outside my comfort zone. 

3. I track my reading differently: I was only using Goodreads at one time, but now I use Goodreads and my Reading Journal.

4. I’ve stopped using the tabs: I really should go back to them, but I lose everything except the books I’m reading, so I don’t really carry them anymore. And I also tend to use my Nook more, so I always just highlight it and keep reading. 

5. I read multiple books at once now: I never used to do that. I was always strictly one at a time. This could actually also be how I’m reading so many more books now as well. 

6. I listen to audiobooks now: I used to only read physical books and only one at a time. Now I’m usually reading 4 different books on different formats, (i.e. One audiobook in the car and one while I’m working or blogging. 1 Physical and one e-book that I might be able to read at the desk. 

7. I don’t need complete quiet to concentrate while I’m reading now: Now I can read in any type of setting. And I love it!

8. I try to diversify my reading: Before I used to just read whatever sounds interesting. But now I make it a point to grab certain books that are diverse in some way so I can help give them the voice they deserve. 

9. I have a constant reading companion: And by that of course I mean I have a huge dog that will sit in your lap while you read

10. Eating Habits: I used to be weary of eating and reading. And now, I eat food at same time and I have some kind of uncanny ability to not spill anything on them ever.

What about you?
What reading changes have you noticed? 
Let me know in the comments! 

One thought on “TTT: Changes in My Reading Life!

  1. OOh nice! I think that's why I feel like my reading speed is slower because I'm a one book at a time kind of girl. I can't concentrate with audiobooks so that's always been out for me. But I'm thinking that's how everyone I know seems to be in the 200 books a year category! Lol. Now I'm not feeling AS guilty, but yeah, still a slow reader as I sadly didn't even make 100 books this year with my job changing for the worst. Sigh…even if I do find a better one I don't think I'll be reading triple digits anymore.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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