Deadly Little Secrets by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

e-ARC, 352 pages           

Release Date: November 5, 2019
Published by: Freeform
Read from: November 3-8, 2019
Debutantes, #2 
Source: Netgalley (I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.) 
TW: Death, Lying, Family Scandals
For fans of: Mysteries, Thrillers, YA

     “Think of the White Gloves like the Junior League-by way of Skull and Bones?”
     Reluctant debutante Sawyer Taft joined Southern high society for one reason and one reason alone: to identify and locate her biological father. But the answers Sawyer found during her debutante year only left her with more questions and one potentially life-ruining secret. When her cousin Lily ropes her into pledging a mysterious, elite, and all-female secret society called the White Gloves, Sawyer soon discovers that someone in the group’s ranks may have the answers she’s looking for. Things are looking up… until Sawyer and the White Gloves make a disturbing discover near the family’s summer home–and uncover a twisted secret, decades in the making.
     No one is quite who they seem to be.


     I remember reading the first one and loving it, so I’ve been waiting for this one for what feels like a very long time. And let me just tell you, this was worth the wait. I can definitely say this crazy, wild ride was something I didn’t mind waiting for. 
“Maybe it was an accident?” “How do you accidentally drug someone, Sadie-Grace?” “Accidentally… On purpose.


     Sawyer Taft has found a family, not only her real family, but also her Debutante family. But both of those families come with a price. Her real family is every bit as scandolous as it was last year, and the Debutante family is much of the same. But Sawyer soon discovers everything is much more messed up than she thought.
“She was the kind of person who could come in last in a race and convince every person there that she’d won.


     Y’all, this was so messed up. Like I really want to ask Barnes where she gets her ideas. And did she know how this book was going to end when she wrote the first one. There was no way she couldn’t because this book was too messed up to NOT know. Every twist will have you gasping out loud. With that being said, I was able to guess one part of the big twist, but there are so many more other twists and turns in this book, that even if you guess one part, it won’t make you feel like you’ve guessed anythng at all lol 
“The Candidates are many… the Chosen are few.


     The characters were still my favorite. I’m super glad everyone was still there and the addition of the new characters was fun too. Some of them felt a bit forced, but for the most part I really enjoyed some of them, like Victoria and the gang. As a whole I did like most of them. 
“Because we can. Because when people say that well-behaved women rarely make history, they leave out the little tidbit that the women who do make history rarely do so alone.


     And for the first time ever, I felt like the romance in the book was unneccessary. I usually live for the romance line in a book, but this time I wasn’t as into it. I was more into the mystery and all the reveals that kept happening in the story. The romance was pushed into little pieces and it just felt like it was there to tie up loose ends. But for no reason. I really hope the reason it was there will be a spin-off. (If you’ve read it, you know what I mean.) 
“People will think what they want. I daresay they always do.


     This series has definitely made it to my favorites series list. There’s so much to unpack in this series, let alone in this book, and I loved it. Again, Jennifer Lynn Barnes has showed she is a mastermind in the YA thriller world. 
Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her