TTT: Top 10 Settings You’d Love to See More!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Settings You’d Love to See More!

 1. Any state that’s not normally shown: Like please, can we get more Arizona or New Mexico, etc.? I know authors  try writing only what they know, but I’m a little burnt out on Cali, New York, and so on. 

2. Any South American country: I would LOVE to visit Brazil in a book or something. It would be cool to learn their customs and more!

3. Really, any country other than the US: Can we get more books in China or Nigeria? I would love to see some books like this one. 

4. Houston: I think I’ve read only one or 2 books set in Houston and I’d love to see more! 

5. Bookstores/Libraries: I LOVE seeing books set in these plays, so of course I want more of them!

6. Horror Books set in haunted asylums or hospitals: I just want more horror PERIOD. 

7. Summer Camps: Like if they’re counselors or something? Emery Lord did one and its still one of my favorites of hers. I’d love to see more YA like that. 

8. Historical settings about things other than the same ol same: I’d love to see more of books like “In the Neighborhood of True”

9. Circuses: I loved the first Caraval story, but that was the last one that I remember reading. 

10. Dinosaur times: I heard there was one, but if it’s the one I’m thinking of, I DNF’ed it and I hadn’t heard of any more. 

What about you? 
Where would you like to see more books set?
See any here you agree with?
Tell me in the comments! 

One thought on “TTT: Top 10 Settings You’d Love to See More!

  1. OOh nice picks!! Seeing some I agree with too! I know Darynda Jones' adult series took place in Arizona, but I'm trying to remember if her YA series took place there or not.

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