TTT: Top 10 New to Me Authors I Read in 2018!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 New to Me Authors I Read in 2018!

 Rebecca BarrowRenée Watson
1. Rebecca Barrow: I LOVED This is What It Feels Like and I began kicking myself for not reading her debut almost instantly. 
2. Renee Watson: I finally read Piecing Me Together last year and again I was kicking myself for letting it sit on my bookshelf unread. It was so real and so good and now I can’t wait to read everything else by her! 
Alexa  MartinJ.C. Cervantes
3. Alexa Martin: Her book Intercepted came out last year at the beginning of football season and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait for the next one, Fumbled, which comes out in April! 
4. J.C. Cervantes: I mean did you read The Storm Runner?! It was awesome and I loved being able to put our Texas Lonestar sticker on it in my library! Can’t wait for more kids to read it! 
Courtney SummersZoraida Córdova
5. Courtney Summers: Although I had so many of her books on my TBR, I had never read one by her until Sadie. And because I loved that one so much, I added the rest of her books to my TBR lol 
6. Zoraida Córdova: See #5 but replace Sadie with Labyrinth Lost and Bruja Born!
Tiffany D. JacksonTomi Adeyemi
7. Tiffany D. Jackson: See #5 & #6 and replace those titles with Monday’s Not Coming!
8. Tomi Adeyemi: I wasn’t sure if this counted because she was a debut author at the time, butttttt I’m going to make it count anyways! I LOVED CBB and I will defend it at all costs. I loved see a Black lead in a fantasy novel and I loved seeing that it was written and sprinkled with Black Girl Magic. I even book pushed it to my mom who loved it too! 
Maureen JohnsonSarah Glenn Marsh
9. Maureen Johnson: See #5, 6, & 7 but replace those titles with Truly Devious. 
10. Sarah Glenn Marsh: I really loved the first one and I can’t wait to see what else she has in the second book! 

One thought on “TTT: Top 10 New to Me Authors I Read in 2018!

  1. Nice! I still need to read Maureen's new series!

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