This is What it Feels Like by Rebecca Barrow

e-ARC, 400 pages

Release Date: November 6, 2018
Published by: HarperTeen
Read from: December 13-17, 2018
Source: Edelweiss (I received a copy of this book from the Publisher and Edelweiss in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.) 
TW: Death
For fans of: Contemporaries, Music, Romance, LGBTQIAP+, Diverse Characters, Diverse Authors, Multiple POV’s, Sparkly Covers, YA

     It doesn’t matter what the prize for the Sun City Originals contest is this year.
     Who cares that’s it’s fifteen grand? Who cares about a gig opening for one of the greatest bands to ever play this town?
     Not Dia, that’s for sure. Because Dia knows that without a band, she hasn’t got a shot at winning Sun City. Because ever since Hanna’s drinking took over her life, Dia and Jules haven’t been in it. And ever since Hanna left — well, there hasn’t been a band.
     It used to be the three of them, Dia, Jules, and Hanna, messing around and making music and planning for the future. But that was then, and this is now — and now means a baby, a failed relationship, a stint in rehab, all kinds of off beats that have interrupted the rhythm of their friendship. No contest can change that.  Right?
     But like the lyrics of a song you used to play on repeat, there’s no forgetting a best friend. And for Dia, Jules, and Hanna, this impossible challenge — to ignore the past, in order to jumpstart the future — will only become possible if they finally make peace with the girls they once were, and the girls they are finally letting themselves be.
     Rebecca Barrow’s tender story of friendship, music, and ferocious love asks — what will you fight for, if not yourself?


     When I first saw the cover of this book, I KNEW I needed it in my life. I didn’t care what it was about, I didn’t care about who blurbed it, none of that. And these are usually all things I take into consideration when I’m reading. But this one looked so intriguing, and I needed to get my hands on it. I wasted no time in making sure that happened. 
“That was what she secretly feared she’d never have. A pretty happy, shiny life.
     Winning the Sun City Originals Contest should be easy right? But without a band how is that possible? Dia, Jules, and Hanna used to have one, but over times things changed. Rehaab, babies, relationships, death, all of these things happened and it broke them apart. Can they put their differences aside to win the contest and take the money? 
“But tonight wasn’t meant for her to fixate on things from the past that she couldn’t change. Or people who wouldn’t.
     I LOVED the characters in this one. These were some of the most real characters I’ve read in a long time. Putting them together made them even better. I loved seeing their friendship evolve and grow. What they experienced was not easy, so seeing them learn and grow and apologize and still work together was amazing. I know it was no easy feat, so for them to accomplish it was pretty amazing. All those characters have a place in my heart. 
“I know what you’re thinking. It’s not love. It’s lust. Infatuation. But- can’t it be all of that?
     I also liked all their side stories. In a book like this one, it’s not usual that I like all the back stories as well as what the story is actually about, but I did like these. Everyone’s home life was interesting and it made me feel like I was besties with the characters like they were with each other. I really enjoyed reading about all the characters too. Like Autumn and Lala. Loving everyone’s home life speaks volumes on how much I adored Barrow’s writing style. This is the only thing by her that I’ve read and after this I know it won’t be the last thing I read by her.

“Better to try and fail than give up without even attempting.

     The only reason I didn’t give this 5 stars, is it got a bit repetitive for me. The plot kept coming back to them playing, arguing, and flashbacks. It felt like I was reading the same thing over and over. With me reading so much, I wanted a little more umph to make it different. I also wasn’t a fan of the ending. Why cut  it off right there and pick it back up later?! I wanted to know what happened! lol

“Be careful. Of distractions and things and people that aren’t worth your time.

     As a lover of contemporaries I wasn’t surprised that I liked this one. This book about friendship and music was really enjoyable and I found myself lost in Barrow’s words and her character’s stories.

Overall, I give this


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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her