Top 10 Binge-Worthy TV Shows!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Binge-Worthy TV Shows! 

It’s my favorite time of year…. When my shows come back on! Here’s some of my favorites! 

Image result for supernatural season 14
1. Supernatural: How many of you knew this was going to be on here? It should be on everyone’s list! If nothing else, just so I can flip through different pictures of Dean on different blogs. (Season 14 begins October 11, 2018)

Image result for criminal minds season 14
2. Criminal Minds: If you don’t know this about me, Criminal Minds is my favorite show of all time. I have seen every episode of it (I was watching the re-runs on tv before it got to Netflix) and I even re-watched the whole thing last year as well. I love this show and I can’t wait to make Wednesdays all about my Criminal Minds team! (Season 14 begins October 3, 2018)
Image result for this is us season 3
3. This is Us: Please don’t give me any spoilers from Season 2 because I still haven’t watched it. It was a bit too emotional for me. But I still want to watch it because let’s be honest…. It’s a really great show! I don’t have long to wait though because the show always comes back in September! (Season 3 begins September 25, 2018)
Image result for you on lifetime
4. You: I really liked this weird, creepy, messed up book. So naturally, I am SUPER excited that there is now a tv show for it lol I have already set my DVR and I feel no. shame. (Season 1 begins September 9, 2018) 
Image result for american horror story season 8
5. American Horror Story- Apocalypse: I haven’t really watched a full season of this  show since AHS Carnival & Roanoke, but I always watch the first couple episodes to get a feel for it. I’m hoping this is another one that makes me want to watch the entire season because I really missed this show. (Season 8 begins September 12, 2018)
Image result for 911 season 2
6. 911: I really loved Season 1. Which is weird because so many people are saying they didn’t enjoy it. And although it’s own Fox, there is a black lesbian couple depicted and a strong black female lead, so I am all here for it. I really hope they keep the momentum of the first season because it was so. good. (Season 2 begins September 23, 2018) 
Image result for how to get away with a murderer season 4
7. How to Get Away With Murder: I have not watched the last season at all, but since it’s on Netflix I don’t feel so bad for missing it. I plan to make up for it before this season starts…. And if not, that’s why I have a DVR lol  (Season 4 begins September 27, 2018) 
Image result for someone you thought you knew season 1 episode 1
8. Someone You Thought You Knew: I talk about how much I watch ID all the time. Did y’all really think I wouldn’t have some of their shows on here? I really enjoyed the couple episodes I have seen, so I would reccommend this show to others who are obsessed with ID like me. (Season 1 started August 2, 2018)
Image result for homicide hunter season 8
9. Homicide Hunter: I LOVE this show and I can’t believe I missed the first episode. But it was in the middle of us moving so I can see how that might have happened. *Goes to watch it immediately*(Season 8 started August 29, 2018) 
Image result for hard knocks browns episode 2
10. Hardknocks: Defintely started watching this because of my husband. Never planned on watching it, but it’s football and it wasn’t quite football season when episode 1 aired, so I was sucked into it. It’s actually been pretty good too to say that it’s about the Browns…..
What are some of your favorite shows?

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Binge-Worthy TV Shows!

  1. Yay Supernatural! LOVE that one!! Planning to start You today so I can be ready for the show this weekend! Though I did just see something recorded regarding You. I guess it was a sneak peek?

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. This is Us is probably one of the BEST shows on TV right now. Every character is amazing, and it's so well plotted. Love it!

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