Top 10 Favorite Book Blogs & Bookish Websites!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Favorite Book Blogs & Bookish Websites!

Favorite Bookish Websites

1. Goodreads: I don’t think I’d be able to survive without Goodreads. I’m pretty sure I would never have expanded my reading horizons without it, because I would be stuck reading the same thing over and over. 

2. Etsy: I don’t buy enough bookish things from here, but when I find something I can’t do without, I try to snatch it up. This is where I got my beloved Wonder Woman book sleeve from and I LOVE it. I wish I had the money to buy all the bookish things from here!

3. Twitter: Say what you want, but Twitter counts for me here. I have two accounts, and one of them (@TakeMeAway02) is strictly a bookish account. All my bookish people are on one account. My IRL friends are all on my other one. 

4. Instagram: See explanation #3. Except my name there is @take_me_awayyy. 

5. Netgalley/ Edelweiss: These sites make it easy to find info on books that my teens will be reading and help if I NEED a book yesterday lol 

Favorite Book Bloggers

6. Amber @ Dulivre: She’s my friend and her blog is awesome. And I love how her personality shines through her blog. It really shows how amazing she is! 

7. Jenn & Ash @ Jenn Renee Read & Ash Too!: I love their blog and some of the memes they created. Especially their “Delightful Discoveries.” I have found many a good book because they added it to their meme! Thanks y’all! 

8. Mary @ Mary had a Little Book Blog: She always looks out for me and I can’t say thank you enough. Whether its at a conference, or if I’m looking for a book on Twitter, or if I have bookish questions (blogger or library staff related) she is always there for me. She’s just an awesome individual. 

9. Rachel @ Rec-it-Rachel: As a huge supporter of diverse reads myself, I am in complete awe of all the work she does. Not only as a blogger, but also a librarian. And she is ALWAYS there to answer any questions I might have, no matter how big or small. I have to say, I am thankful for colleagues like her. 

10. Emma @ Miss Print: I am a brand new librarian (about four months in) and I need all the mentors I can get! She’s been a YA librarian for a while and I will accept any pointers she sends my way! 

What bookish websites are your favorite?
What book bloggers have made a difference to you?
Any of the same on my list?
Tell me which ones and why you picked them in the comments! 

3 thoughts on “Top 10 Favorite Book Blogs & Bookish Websites!

  1. Ooh nice ones! I didn't think about twitter and instagram at the time, odd because 99% of the people I follow are bookish! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I haven't been to etsy in a long time. Namely because I know that I don't have the funds

    Omggg dont make me emotional, but thank you for theshout out! 💜

    I'm curious about this Delightful Discoveries!

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her