Book Blogger Hop: Bookish Dreams!

 Have you ever had a bookish, nocturnal dream? If so, please share the story. If not, have you ever had a daydream related to books? If so, please tell us about it.

          I have way too many book dreams to give just ONE story, so I’ll go with the most recent lolol 

One night I was reading Dread Nation by Justina Ireland before I went to bed. If you haven’t read it, there’s zombies and a zombie fighting girl, Jane. For once, there was a bad ass who looked like me on the cover of a book with a bad ass weapon ready to do bad ass things. And although I’m not a teen anymore, I still read enough to be touched by this, so it followed me to my dreams. I dreamed that I was Jane and I was the one who was fighting the zombies and stuff. It was a pretty creepy dream with the zombies, but definitely memorable. 

What about you?
Have you read any books that followed you to your dreams?

One thought on “Book Blogger Hop: Bookish Dreams!

  1. OOh fun!! Sounds like a fun dream! This one is still in my TBR pile! I rarely remember my dreams as it is but they sometimes are bookish. More of my own writing coming into my dreams than books I've read!

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her