Top 10 Novellas/Short Stories!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Novellas/Short Stories!

The Proposal (Wait for You, #2.5)Trust in Me (Wait for You, #1.5)
1. The Proposal by J. Lynn: *SPOILER ALERT for those that have not read The Wait for You series!* I LOVED this series and I was sad that the way this happened wasn’t in any of the books. But then she released this scene on Twitter and just, YASSSSS! 
2. Trust in Me by J. Lynn: This short story is told from Cam’s POV! 
My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday StoriesThe Queen's Army (The Lunar Chronicles, #1.5)
3. My True Love Gave to Me edited by Stephanie Perkins: Man, I LOVED this one. Maybe because I just love the holidays, but I loved this one. It was the perfect read to read around Christmas. And although I didn’t love them all, I loved the collection and ended up buying the awesome UK version!
4. The Queen’s Army by Marissa Meyer: As Scarlet was my favorite from the series, I was SUPER happy when this was released!
The Little Android (The Lunar Chronicles, #0.6)Glitches (The Lunar Chronicles, #0.5)
5. The Little Android by Marissa Meyer: I KNEW the real version of The Little Mermaid was a bit sad, but I didn’t realize how bad until I read it from a robot’s POV. This was seriously one of the saddest things I’ve read! 
6. Glitches by Marissa Meyer: I really liked this one too! And I was happy to see where Cinder’s origin was. It was interesting and really brought me closer to the series.
Blank 133x176A Dawn Most Wicked (Something Strange and Deadly, #1.5)
7. Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer: I was really late to the Twilight craze, and I still haven’t read Breaking Dawn in its entirety, but I HAVE read Midnight Sun. And I really wish I could’ve read the whole book. Come on Meyer, GIVE IT TO US! lol 
8. A Dawn Most Wicked by Susan Dennard: I remember really liking Daniel Sheridan and that made me really like this one. It gave a background on him and the Spirit Hunters and that’s just something you wouldn’t get from the full length novels! 
Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love StoriesStars Above by Marissa Meyer
9. Summer Days and Summer Nights edited by Stephanie Perkins: Summer is another time for contemps, and I’m so glad that Stephanie Perkins decided to put this together!
10. Something Old, Something New by Marissa Meyer: I can’t say too much about this one, but if you know who my favorite couple is in the Lunar Chronicles series, you know why this one was my favorite <3
What about you?
Any of these make your list too?

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Novellas/Short Stories!

  1. Ooh nice picks!! Loved the Meyer ones myself! I think I waited to read them all in the Stars Above version! Can't remember if I read Susan Dennard's or not. I'm not sure my heart could take reading it now though!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. My True Love Gave to Me is on a bunch of lists, and yeah! Because I actually read that and really liked it a lot.

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