Top 10 Books with Sensory Reading Memories!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books with Sensory Reading Memories: 
The Books Where I Remember Exactly what I was Doing! 

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer;s Stone by J.K. Rowling: I’ll just say the series for this one because I remember EVERYTHING I was doing when I started this series. I was in 5th grade and by then, books 1-3 were out. I checked them out from my school library (because my 5th grade teacher had said people were attacking it and banning….. I was always a rebel) and I fell in love. I went back and checked out the others the next couple days. She found me reading under the dining room table, in the middle of doorways, anywhere I could get. Since then, my mom and I read them together, me first and then me hurrying her along after I read and finished them.  

2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling: I wanted to put this separate because this is the one that I remember reading the most. When I found out the date it was being released, I remember watching the children in the UK reading it because they had parties at midnight and were all getting their copies at midnight and reading them then. I remember being crazy jealous and my mom said, “Well Nikki, let me see if somewhere else is selling theirs at midnight.” So she called this place called Hasting’s (Idk if there are even anymore of those around.) and lo and behold they had one. They said not many people knew they were staying open late for the release. I remember going to Hasting’s, getting the book, and they told me I was the FIRST person in Galveston to get the book! I had my picture taken and was in the newspaper and everything lol 

Dear MartinWonder Woman: Warbringer (DC Icons, #1)

3. Dear Martin by Nic Stone: I remember asking about this book on Twitter and the Wonderful Fairy Book Mother Mary (Knoxdiver) sent me a copy. I got it in at my mailbox and I remember crying. I ended up recieving another copy and giving the one she sent me to my teens at work who were also equally excited. When I read it, I remeber reading it in a day. My husband came in, saw I was sobbing, and promptly turned around. He came back a few minutes later with tissues and ice cream. 

4. Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo: This one is huge for me, because if you know me, you know I’m a HUGE Wonder Woman fan after WW was my nickname in high school. It’s carried on since then into adulthood. After I found out that there would be a WW YA book, I was STOKED. And by Bardugo, no less?! HELL. YES. I remember going to TLA in San Antonio and the first stop I made was to Penguin Random House and asking if they had an ARC. The publicist gave me one, took a picture of me and my WW bag, and I promptly cried right there. Later on when I was reading it, I was reading it on my couch, snuggling my puppy at the time, and drinking coffee. It was a PERFECT day. 

Black Girl MagicChildren of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1)

5. Black Girl Magic by Mahogany L. Browne: I remember getting this one in at my library and reading it at my desk. I cried and then read it again and again. I loved this book and I’m so glad we now have something like this for our girls. 

6. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi:  I stayed up until 3;30am reading the end of this book. I sat next to a snoring husband with only a super small reading light while I was in bed bawling my eyes out from the author’s note. 

Together at MidnightThe Serpent King
7. Together at Midnight by Jennifer Castle: This book was about New Year’s Eve and kissing at Midnight. So of course, I wanted to read it on New Year’s Day lol 
8. The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner: I remember finishing this one on the way to work and if you’ve read it, you know this was a TERRIBLE IDEA. I had puffy eyes and no eyeliner the rest of the day. Read this one they said. It’s a great contemp they said. However, they did not say you would cry your eyes out. 
Bad RomanceThe Hate U Give
9. Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios: I took this ARC on a cruise when me and the husband were honeymooning! I remember sitting by a window in the casino part (Don’t judge) and reading this one. And I think I took it to one of my excursions as well. 
10. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: Man oh man. I remember reading this one when I went home to Galveston. I remember sitting at the kitchen table and reading it. I got to that one part, and was immediately started bawling. My mom wasn’t home at the time which I thought was great so I wasn’t judged lolol 
What about you?
Do you have cool stories associated with those memories?

5 thoughts on “Top 10 Books with Sensory Reading Memories!

  1. OOh nice!! I remember rooting for you getting your Wonder Woman ARC! I swear, I still think of you every time I see something Wonder Woman related! 😉

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. so many good books on your list. I see why they all have such vivid memories. Love your wonder woman story. I know that feeling. I cried when I was given a heartless arc. I so get it.

  3. I also cried when I met Tomi Adeyemi, but at least I had already read the book then lol

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I really struggled with this topic, but you did so well. TSK gutted me. I had quite an ugly cry over that one too. I don't know if crying is that big a deal for me any longer, because I always seem to be crying. I was just shedding tears while writing a review. I am a ridiculous woman.

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her