Moonlight Seduction by Jennifer L. Armentrout

e-ARC, 400 pages

Release Date: June 26, 2018
Published by: Avon
Read from: July 22-27, 2018
Source: Edelweiss (I received a copy of this book from the Edelweiss and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.) 
TW: Physical Abuse to a woman
For fans of: Romance, Thrillers, Mystery, Suspense, Adult/ New Adult

    The de Vincent brothers are back—and so is the intrigue that surrounds them—in New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout’s sizzling new novel…
     Nicolette Bresson never thought she’d return to the de Vincents’ bayou compound. It’s where her parents work, where Nikki grew up… and where she got her heart broken by Gabriel de Vincent himself. Yet here she is, filling in for her sick mother. Avoiding Gabe should be easy, especially when so much of Nikki’s time is spent trying not to be stabbed in the back by the malicious hangers-on who frequent the mansion. But escaping memories of Gabe, much less his smoking-hot presence, is harder than expected—especially since he seems determined to be in Nikki’s space as much as possible.
      Gabriel spent years beating himself up over his last encounter with Nikki. He’d wanted her then, but for reasons that were bad for both of them. Things have now changed. Gabe sees more than a girl he’s known forever; he sees a smart, talented, and heartbreakingly beautiful woman… one who’s being stalked from the shadows. Now, Gabe will do anything to keep Nikki safe—and to stop the de Vincent curse from striking again.

*This book is part of the adult contemporary romance genre! It is much more mature than YA. I have featured it in Between the Covers as a way to feature the few Adult and New Adult titles I am beginning to read!”  


     As with any other JLA book, of course I added this to my TBR. And after reading the first one, I was definitely going to read this. And also just like with other JLA books, I loved it and now I can’t wait for the next one!
“…you might as well agree to it.” Why?” “Because I’m a de Vincent,” he said. “And we always get what we want.

     Nikki’s mother and father have worked for the de Vincent brothers all her life. The de Vincent brothers have watched her grow up. But when an incident happens between her and Gabe right before she leaves for college, she decides to leave that chapter of life behind her…. Until her mother gets sick and she has to come back and work in her mother’s place. Seeing Nikki reminds Gabe that she’s not a little girl anymore. As the two begin getting back to being as close as they use to be, strange things continue happening at the de Vincent house. How does Gabe keep Nikki safe?

“Giving money is easy,” Gabe replied. “Giving time isn’t.
    Just like the first, I was super happy that this was written from both of their POV’s. I always find it so interesting to read JLA’s boy’s POV. I love seeing the moment they realize that they love the MC or whoever it is they fall for. It never fails to be my favorite part of the book. And this one was no better. I loved seeing Gabe and finding out all the small secrets he was keeping throughout the story. Nikki was also a great character. Besides having a great name, she also was just as snarky as me. They were absolutely hilarious together and I remember lol-ing so many times.
“…But it was just a fantasy and fantasies were okay. They were safe. Healthy even. Fantasies weren’t real.
    I also really liked the plot. I like that there was more to it than just having a weird house and some weird curses and them getting together. It all comes together at the end. It’s not a surprise, however, it WILL make you want to jump into the book and throttle the person.
“Well, people would rather read about scandals then good deeds.” Sad but true.
     As for the romance, I really loved seeing them together. It’s rare that I am ok with them being just friends, but I liked them so much that I wanted them together no matter how. And the romance was pretty hot as well. That bathroom scene was one I read at work and my face heated in embarrassment, even when no one knew what I was reading. But JLA has always written some of my favorite steamy scenes, so there was no surprise that I would like this one as well. 
“I said Saturday night I don’t know what we’re doing, where its going to lead.” He turned his head, kissing her inner thigh. The rough skin of his jaw drove her crazy. “That didn’t mean I wasn’t going to travel that road and find out.
     However, although I liked the plot, it did move rather slow. The beginning was setting up the story yes, but I don’t think it had to take that long. And the romance didn’t start until half the book was over, so it wasn’t really anything happening. It just seemed like a constant state of setting the stage. I’m sorry, but a slow burn that takes up 200 pages just seemed a bit much to me.   
“Pits are friendly dogs,” she said leading them over the large stretch of grassy area. “They get a bad rep, though.
     Of course I liked this. It’s not my favorite of the series, but I can definitely say I will be waiting on pins and needles for this next one. JLA is always the one that can get me back in the reading mood. Thanks JLA for another great book boy and another great book! 
Overall, I give this

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