Top 10 Series I’ve Given Up On!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Series I’ve Given Up On! 

The Lotterys Plus OneQueen of Hearts (Queen of Hearts Saga, #1)

1. The Lotterys Plus One by Emma Donoghue: Not really something I liked because of the way one of the characters were treated. And I just saw that there is another book coming out as a companion I think, but I won’t be reading it. Unless they have fixed what was wrong in the previous book. 

2. Queen of Hearts series by Colleen Oakes: I only remember thinking that this book was boring and I wasn’t a huge fan of it so I didn’t even read it all. I remember skimming the end, knowing how it would end. And because of that, I won’t continue the series. 

The Stars Never Rise (The Stars Never Rise, #1)The Vincent Boys (The Vincent Boys, #1)

3. The Stars Never Rise series by Rachel Vincent: This one was too preachy for me. It wasn’t something that I just wanted to read at the time. Bnt it’s still not something I want to read, so I just think I’m done with it. 

4. The Vincent Boys series by Abbi Glines: I know that this author is really popular, but after reading this one, I just don’t see myself wanting to continue this series or her other books. To me the hype wasn’t warranted. 

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1)Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly, #1)

5. The Raven Boys series by Maggie Stiefvater: Don’t throw tomatoes at me, but I just don’t know what it is about Stiefvater’s writing that I don’t care for. I DNF’ed this three times before I finally finished it and I still haven’t made it through the second one. I’m not even sure why I don’t like it… I just don’t. 

6. Something Strange and Deadly series by Susan Dennard: I’m not sure why I didn’t read the sequels, but for some reason I just didn’t. I think I was put off by the fact that they were zombies (at one time I wasn’t a fan of them) but even though I really liked this one and I really liked zombies now, I don’t think I’ll have the time to go back and read them unless it’s on audio…..

The Beautiful and the Cursed (The Dispossessed, #1)Embrace (The Violet Eden Chapters, #1)

7. The Beautiful and the Cursed series by Page Morgan: See #6… But minus the zombies and add gargoyles

8. The Violet Eden series by Jessica Shirvington: I LOVED the first book in this series, so I’m not sure why I didn’t continue the series. But now I think it’s too late because there’s like 5 books in the series and its been out for so long now. And as a blogger, if it’s not an audio book that I can speed through, I’m more than likely not going to read it. 

Delirium (Delirium, #1)The Glass Spare (The Glass Spare, #1)

9. Delirium series by Lauren Oliver: Another book where I’m not really sure why I didn’t like it, I just didn’t. And for now, I just know I won’t finish this series. 

10.  The Glass Spare series by Lauren DeStefano: For the synopsis to be so amazing, it definitely lead me on. I was expecting it to be so epic, but it just wasn’t what I expected. So, I don’t think I will be continuing this one unless Amber says it may redeem itself lol 
What about you?
Any of these series you won’t be continuing?
Any of these you think I should give another try?

One thought on “Top 10 Series I’ve Given Up On!

  1. Ah, sadden to see The Stars Never Rise, The Beautiful and the Cursed, and Something Strange and Deadly! I enjoyed those three series! I was all over the gargoyle series too! Lol! The other books here I never picked up on.

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