The Summer of Jordi Perez (and the Best Burger in Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding

e-Audio, 224 pages

Release Date: April 3, 2018
Published by:  Sky Pony Press
Read from: May 20-22, 2018
Source: Library
For fans of:  Contemporary, Romance, LGBTQIA+, Body Positivity, Coming of Age, YA

     Seventeen, fashion-obsessed, and gay, Abby Ives has always been content playing the sidekick in other people’s lives. While her friends and sister have plunged headfirst into the world of dating and romances, Abby has stayed focused on her plus-size style blog and her dreams of taking the fashion industry by storm. When she lands a prized internship at her favorite local boutique, she’s thrilled to take her first step into her dream career. She doesn’t expect to fall for her fellow intern, Jordi Perez. Abby knows it’s a big no-no to fall for a colleague. She also knows that Jordi documents her whole life in photographs, while Abby would prefer to stay behind the scenes.
     Then again, nothing is going as expected this summer. She’s competing against the girl she’s kissing to win a paid job at the boutique. She’s somehow managed to befriend Jax, a lacrosse-playing bro type who needs help in a project that involves eating burgers across L.A.’s eastside. Suddenly, she doesn’t feel like a sidekick. Is it possible Abby’s finally in her own story?
     But when Jordi’s photography puts Abby in the spotlight, it feels like a betrayal, rather than a starring role. Can Abby find a way to reconcile her positive yet private sense of self with the image that other people have of her?
     Is this just Abby’s summer of fashion? Or will it truly be The Summer of Jordi Perez (and the Best Burger in Los Angeles)?


    I have to say I was a little put off and was hesitant to read this one based on the title. But when I read the synopsis and saw the cover I was ALL IN. (Call me shallow if you want, I don’t care lol) But I was really surprised at how much I liked this! 
     The summer is here and Abby has finally scored her dream internship at a local boutique that she adores. This is where she learns of her unexpected competition: Jordi Perez. She is surprised to fall for her, knowing that they would have to compete to land the paid job at the end of the summer. This summer also involves a new friend Jax and the best burgers in LA. If that doesn’t sound like the best summer, I’m not sure what does! 
     The only reason I didn’t give this 5 stars was the MC. Although I loved her for the most part, she talked ALOT. lol I know that’s stupid because its a contemp book, but she kept cutting people off and that kind of thing annoys me in real life. People do that to me all the time and it make me want to scream. But otherwise I really liked her and I really respected her actions and the way she felt about people and the way she treated her friends. I also really loved that she felt so real. I could identify with her questioning of her friends and some of their motives. It’s something that I struggle with even still. Then there was Jordi. I LOVED her. I loved how she was the exact opposite of Abby and she still complimented her in the best way possible. They were so cute together and I loved all their swoony moments together
     I also loved the setting. My favorite contemporary romances are those that happen in the sun, on the beach, and have the cutest couples. This book had all of the above. I have to say I could easily picture myself on the beach with them as their friend, visiting diners and eating burgers with them. As the audio, it was super easy to get swept up in the beauty of LA and Cassandra Morris’ voice. 
     As for the plot, it was quick moving which made for a quick read. I was able to listen to it in two sittings which I really enjoyed. There were a few instances where it was a bit drawn out it seemed like, but for the most part, the writing and the humor was enough for me to overlook it. 
     This book was nothing like I expected, but it was so good. It just goes to show you, never judge a book by its title lol I’m glad I didn’t write out the book over something so trivial.
Overall, I give this

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