Not if I Save You First by Ally Carter

e-Audio, 6 hours & 55 minutes

Release Date: March 27, 2018
Published by: Scholastic Press
Read from: April 11-15, 2018
Source: Library (Hoopla)
For fans of:  Survival, Wilderness, Contemporary, Romance, Thriller

     Maddie thought she and Logan would be friends forever. But when your dad is a Secret Service agent and your best friend is the president’s son, sometimes life has other plans. Before she knows it, Maddie’s dad is dragging her to a cabin in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness.
     No phone.
     No Internet.
     And not a single word from Logan.
     Maddie tells herself it’s okay. After all, she’s the most popular girl for twenty miles in any direction. (She’s also the only girl for twenty miles in any direction.) She has wood to cut and weapons to bedazzle. Her life is full.
     Until Logan shows up six years later . . .
     And Maddie wants to kill him.
     But before that can happen, an assailant appears out of nowhere, knocking Maddie off a cliff and dragging Logan to some unknown fate. Maddie knows she could turn back- and get help. But the weather is turning and the terrain will only get more treacherous, the animals more deadly.
     Maddie still really wants to kill Logan.
     But she has to save him first.


    I almost missed out on this one because someone said it was another book in the Embassy Suites series and I immediately went into panic because of course I hadn’t read the last one. I’m so glad I went ahead and gave it a shot just to see. Because now, I have a new favorite Ally Carter book!
     Maddie’s dad quit his big important job working for the President. He moves the two of them to the Alaska where no one else is around for miles. Six years go by, and Maddie’s old best friend, the one she now hates, comes to visit. And Maddie is just about to give him a piece of her mind, when all hell breaks lose.
    I realized with this book that I am definitely a character driven reader. Maddie was LEGIT and I found myself hanging on to every word of this book just to see what she would do next. ESPECIALLY the ending. Logan was also a great character to me. At first he was getting on my nerves because he was so spoiled and acting out, but he warmed up to me. Even the “villains” in this were well thought out and I really liked reading this story because of all of them.
     I also really liked the setting. I haven’t read many books set in Alaska, so this was a bit of surprose. I really liked the way Carter gave us a visual of Alaska. The snow, the ice, the biting cold, and the will to survive in all the characters. It was a real treat to see all the things that they had to go through and how they survived it all.
  And of course, there was the plot.  It was a bit confusing because it went back and forth from the past to the present with Maddie’s letters, but it became a lot easier to follow once things started moving in the present. I love thrillers, and the fact that this one was a thriller, paired with a survival aspect, I have to say, it was right up my alley.
     This was nothing like I expected, but in a good way. The ending was so unexpected and the characters were bad ass. This book has something for everyone and definitely one I can see that will appeal to everyone, no matter what genres they enjoy!

Overall, I give this
There will be no quotes because this was read via audio.      

Take Me Away

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