Love & Other Train Wrecks by Leah Konen

e-ARC, 368 pages

Release Date: January 2, 2018
Published by: HarperTeen
Read from: January 1-3, 2018
Source: Edelweiss
For fans of: Contemporary, Romance, Stand-alone, YA

     A twenty-four-hour romance about two teens who meet—and perhaps change their minds about love—on a train ride to Upstate New York in the middle of a snowstorm
     One train ride. Two strangers.
     Noah is a hopeless romantic. He’s heading back home for one last chance with his first love, whom he broke up with when he went off to college.
     Ammy doesn’t believe in true love—her parents being prime examples. She’s escaping from a mom who can’t take care of her to a dad who may not even want her. That is, until one winter night when Noah and Ammy find themselves in the same Amtrak car heading to Upstate New York.
     After a train-wreck first encounter between the two of them, the Amtrak train suddenly breaks down due to a snowstorm. Desperate to make it to their destinations, Noah and Ammy have no other option but to travel together. What starts off as a minor detour turns into the whirlwind journey of a lifetime, and over the course of the night they fall in love. But come morning their adventure takes an unexpected turn for the worst. Can one night can really change how they feel about love…and the course of their lives forever?


     I can honestly say what intrigued me enough to want to read
this would be the title. And when I found out it was over a span of 24 hours, I
was sold. It wasn’t my favorite, but I liked it all the same.
“Karma’s like a bank account; that’s what I believe at least. And you have to constantly put stuff in it if you want to make a withdrawl later. And the thing is, I’m planning on attempting to to make a rather large withdrawl later this evening.”


     Ammy is
on her way to see her father and step mother get fake married. Noah is on his
way to win back the heart of his one and only true love. Their paths cross on
the train to their destinations. On the way there, they run into a series of “unfortunate
events.” From guns to train wrecks, this has it all.
“I look back at the guy and feel my stomach rumble. His face is that kind that rests in a smile instead of a frown, like Resting Bitch Face, but Resting Happy Face instead. It’s annoying.”


    For the
most part, I can say it was a good book. I laughed and there were even times I
swooned. But unfortunately it was also very predictable. For most of the book I
knew what was happening. It sucked because I wanted to like it more than I did.
There was also the plot. In certain areas it dragged (I mean it was mainly like
them walking in snow lol) but overall, it was still pretty enjoyable.
“That’s the problem with adventures, They open more doors, more possibilities than they should.”


   As for
the romance, I really enjoyed it to say it was over a span of 24 hours. I
normally don’t care for insta-love, but I think because of how it all played
out and how it was over the entire book, I didn’t too much care about it. It
was definitely an interesting change from what I normally read.
“Maybe when you’re lucky enough to meet someone who makes you feel lke this, well, maybe it means something. Maybe you’re supposed to chase it, like I chased that stupid bus. Maybe you’re supposed to chase it until you’re out of breath.”


really enjoyed certain aspects of this book which made this one a hit with me.
Leah Knoen is a writer that I will look out for in the future.   
Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her