Take Me Away’s 2018 Blogger Resolutions!

Ok, so I have SO MANY things I want to work on now that I’m finished with school. And you lucky people will be here to witness me either succeed…… or fall on my face like I’m anticipating smh lol So, here’s all I want to do in 2018!
1. Read more diversely: I try to read all the books featuring some aspect of diversity, but there are so many more and I want to read them ALL. 
2. Become more active on social media: I want to do more on Twitter and Instagram! I schedule my tweets, but there’s nothing like actually participating in conversations or seeing a picture when it’s uploaded. (Then again with the algorithim, I’m not sure this is actually my fault smh lol) 
3. Add your reviews to Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble: This is on my resolution list every year and every year I do terrible at it. I always end up waiting until the last minute to add it. It’s hard to keep up with because Barnes and Noble only lets me review it if the book is out and being a blogger, I get some things before release. It’s hard to remember what hasn’t been done. But I’ve develped a system that should help a bit more!
4. Develop more original content: When in school, it’s hard to think outside the box for a blog post. By the time I was done with school work, I didn’t want to think about blogging. Or reading for that matter. However, now that I’m out of school, I’ve already been thinking of some posts that I want to do and bringing back some of my old features that I still love!
5. Go to more author signings and more conferences: This is more for my own professional development, but going to TLA conference last year and actually being able to go to the conference sessions was amazing. Library school teaches you alot, but these conferences and actually working in the library can teach you so much more! I plan to attend TLA and ALA Annual this year. Let me know if you go too! 
What blogger resolutions do you have for 2018?
Any of these that we share?

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy