Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan

Audio, 11 CD’s 

Release Date: October 10, 2017
Published by: Listening Library (Disney-Hyperion)
Read from: October 2- 8, 2017
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, #3
Source:  Library
For fans of: Action, Adventure, Mythology, Bombshell Endings, Sparkly Covers, Series, Series Enders

     Magnus Chase, a once-homeless teen, is a resident of the Hotel Valhalla and one of Odin’s chosen warriors. As the son of Frey, the god of summer, fertility, and health, Magnus isn’t naturally inclined to fighting. But he has strong and steadfast friends, including Hearthstone the elf, Blitzen the dwarf, and Samirah the Valkyrie, and together they have achieved brave deeds, such as defeating Fenris Wolf and battling giants for Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. Now Magnus and his crew must sail to the farthest borders of Jotunheim and Niflheim in pursuit of Asgard’s greatest threat. Will they succeed in their perilous journey, or is Ragnarok lurking on the horizon?


     Can’t lie, I’m a little sad to see this series go, just as I am with all of Riordan’s series. Although Percy Jackson will always have my heart, this series came as a close second. 
     Magnus Chase and his crew are about to go on their scariest quest yet. If they succeed, they will save the cosmos. If they fail, Ragnarok is sure to begin. Can they defeat Loki and stop Ragnarok?
     Ok, so just in case you know who my ship is, *MILD SPOILER* I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE MY SHIP SAIL. *END SPOILER* (Highlight it if you want to see the spoiler!) Y’all don’t understand my happiness when it first happened. Like I literally pushed pause and did the giddy dancing thing. Now it’s never made official, official, so I can only hope that it really happens, but for the most part, it’s hinted at and that’s ok with me for now. 
     I also really loved seeing more of Riordan’s amazingness. His humor and wit were still there and it made the characters as always. And seeing more of the gods and learning what they do was great too. In true Riordan style, I was able to learn something I never really had any interest in all while really enjoying it. 
     The only reason this didn’t get five stars was the ending. It really seemed to be rushed. Like the big finale was happening, but then it wasn’t. I wanted there to be more. I just feel like if you’re trying to stop Ragnarok, there should be more to it. But that’s just me. 
     Lastly, there was something that one of them said at the end of the book that made me wonder what else Riordan is working on. Was it in reference to his Apollo series? Or something new? If anyone knows or think they know, email me so we can talk about it lol Or if you need more info on who I’m talking about, email me and we can talk about it! 
     I’ve enjoyed most of Riordan’s books and I can honestly say I’ll give anything he writes a shot. They allow for learning and entertainment and anything that can do both so flawlessly gets a yes in my book. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for his next project. 
Overall, I give this

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