Listen Up: Bang by Barry Lyga

I don’t normally talk about the audio books I listen to because most of them are backlist, but I really want to start! So, I’m starting Listen Up to write short reviews on the books that I listen to! 

Audio, 6 parts

Release Date: April 18, 2017
Published by: Little Brown Books for Young Readers / Blackstone Audio
Read from: June 3- , 2017
Source: Library 
For fans of: Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, 

     One shot ruined his life. Another one could end it.
     Sebastian Cody did something horrible, something no one—not even Sebastian himself—can forgive. At the age of four, he accidentally shot and killed his infant sister with his father’s gun.
     Now, ten years later, Sebastian has lived with the guilt and horror for his entire life. With his best friend away for the summer,      Sebastian has only a new friend—Aneesa—to distract him from his darkest   thoughts. But even this relationship cannot blunt the pain of his past. Because Sebastian knows exactly how to rectify his childhood crime and sanctify his past.
     It took a gun to get him into this.
     Now he needs a gun to get out.


     When I heard about this book, it was the week it was released. I couldn’t understand how I missed it when I LOVED Lyga’s Jasper Dent series. But I’m so glad I finally got this book in my hands. 
     Sebastian committed a horrible accident when he was a toddler. He’s lived with it his entire life. He doesn’t know what to do with the grief he possesses, so he doesn’t know what to do but end it. The same way he got his self into this mess. 
     For this to be about something so emotional, I didn’t really FEEL IT. I never cried. My eyes didn’t even water. I didn’t feel it until the end. This is strange because the narrator, Charlie Thurston did a fantastic job with making the book come alive and bringing all the scary and emotional parts come to life. 
     Of course I loved the writing style of this one too. Barry Lyga just has a way with words. This book of his was no different. It was a nice change to see him write about something this challenging and heartfelt, when his other writing features the son of a crazy man lol I think this book really shows his talent.
     Although it didn’t hit as hard as I would have liked, it was still a really great, powerful story. Even though I was late to the party, I’m so glad I decided to read it! 
Oveerall, I give this

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her