Aftercare Instructions by Bonnie Pipkin

ARC, 352 pages

Release Date: June 27, 2017
Published by: Flatiron
Read from: June 14-27, 2017
Source: TxLA 2017
For fans of:  Action, Contemporary, Romance, Stand-alones, YA

     In the tradition of Jandy Nelson and Rainbow Rowell, a big-hearted journey of furious friendship, crazy love, and unexpected hope after a teen’s decision to end an unwanted pregnancy
     “Troubled.” That’s seventeen-year-old Genesis according to her small New Jersey town. She finds refuge and stability in her relationship with her boyfriend, Peter—until he abandons her at a Planned Parenthood clinic during their appointment to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The betrayal causes Gen to question everything.
     As Gen pushes herself forward to find her new identity without Peter, she must also confront her most painful memories. Through the lens of an ongoing four act play within the novel, the fantasy of their undying love unravels line by line, scene by scene. Digging deeper into her past while exploring the underground theater world of New York City, she rediscovers a long-forgotten dream. But it’s when Gen lets go of her history, the one she thinks she knows, that she’s finally able to embrace the complicated, chaotic true story of her life, and take center stage.
     This powerfully immersive and format-crushing debut follows Gen from dorm rooms to diners to house parties to auditions—and ultimately, right into readers’ hearts.


     When I heard of this book I knew I needed it. I don’t think I’ve ever read a YA book about abortion. I’m sure there are more, but this is the first one I’ve read. I knew it would play heavily on the feels and that’s exactly what I wanted.
     Peter and Genesis are very happy until they become pregnant and they decide not to keep it. Peter leaves her at the abortion clinic with no explanation or anything. Genesis’ family life isn’t so great and Peter was her calm through that storm. When he leaves they break up and she doesn’t know up from down anymore. As the story goes on, she finally learns how to be herself.
     I LOVED the writing style in this one. It was told as a regular story (with some bad ass chapter titles by the way!) mixed with some chapters that were written as a play would be written. It was pretty awesome and made for a great way to do storytelling. The bits that were like a stage play were more flashbacks and the way it was written helped to not make it choopy or too long.
     I also loved the message. Teaching girls not to be ashamed of what they choose to do with their body. And she did it in such a non-preachy way. To be honest, it mostly empowered Genesis in my eyes because she wasn’t afraid. At that age, I’m sure many would be terrified to do what she did. And it made Peter look even more spineless.
     But the number one thing I loved about this book was the main character. Genesis was absolutely amazing. She took control of what she wanted in the midst of all the terrible things that were happening in her home life. I was so happy she was able to take control of her own life. And then the way it all turned out in the end showed just how amazing her character growth was. I won’t go too much into it so I don’t give away the plot, but her story was amazing.
     I haven’t seen many of my friends/followers read this, but you all really should! It has such a great message. I was addicted to this book. I found myself reading it anywhere I could. I understand this subject topic is upsetting to some, but I can also see anyone who misses out on this book being upset that they missed it.
   Overall, I give this

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