Top Ten Books that I Want to Read During my Library’s Summer Reading Program!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Books that I want to Read During my Library’s Summer Reading Program! 

When you work at the library, summertime is pretty busy with the Summer Reading Program (SRP). And this year is no different! We have so many activities planned that I’m super excited about doing! I can’t wait to implement all we have planned! But in the lulls (like my lunch break lmao) I am still going to participate in our summer reading program! Here’s some of the books that come out this summer that I want to read during SRP! 

Follow Me Back (Follow Me Back, #1)Midnight at the Electric
1. Follow Me Back by A.V. Geiger: My teens have already confiscated my book plate and have begged me to give the backpack that came with it away as an SRP prize. I’m pretty sure they’ll be asking for my book too *rolls eyes* lol     Releases June 6, 2017

2. Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson: I am so ready for this one. Can’t wait to get to it. Releases June 13, 2017
Amid Stars and Darkness (The Xenith Trilogy #1)This Is How It Happened

3. Amid Stars and Darkness by Chani Lynn Feener: Another that I’m all here for! This was my WoW pick a couple weeks out and I am still thinking about it. Hopefully my library gets it! Releases July 18, 2017

4. This is How it Happened by Paula Stokes: I LOVED Girl Against the Universe so naturally I can’t wait for this one! Releases July 11, 2017

The UnlikeliesOur Dark Duet (Monsters of Verity, #2)

5. The Unlikelies by Carrie Firestone: I loved her debut last year, so this one I’m sure will be no different. It was unique and quirky and funny and I loved it! Can’t wait to see what this one is about! Releases June 6, 2017

6. Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab: Umm did we all read the ending to This Savage Song? Then yes I think we will all be reading this for our Summer Reading Program! Releases June 13, 2017
What to Say NextThe Last Magician
7. What to Say Next by Julie Bauxbaum: I thought her debut was really cute, but this one is said to “tone down the fluff,” so I’m excited to see what this one is all about! Can’t wait to read this one!  Releases July 11, 2017

8. The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell: I have heard nothing but good things about this one and I can’t wait to see if they deliver. Also, that cover is BAD. ASS.  Releases July 18, 2017
Little MonstersNo Good Deed

9. Little Monsters by Kara Thomas: I love reading thrillers in the summer. I’m not sure why, but I do. And because there’s hardly any that come out this summer, I’m going to try and savor this one that does! Releases July 25, 2017

10. No Good Deed by Kara Connolly: Robin Hood re-telling and the MC is a girl?! OH YES. Cannot wait to have this one in my hands. I begged for it at TLA, but they didn’t have any copies 🙁  Releases July 18, 2017

What about you?
Will you be reading any of these for your local Summer Reading Program?!
Don’t forget to sign up for it!

8 thoughts on “Top Ten Books that I Want to Read During my Library’s Summer Reading Program!

  1. OOh nice ones! I still need to read Kara's first book! I love a good thriller too! Can't wait for Our Dark Duet either! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I love the direction you went for your list this week! When I was growing up, my local library's summer reading program basically consumed my life every summer, haha. What to Say Next and Our Dark Duet (duh) are both on my summer TBR, too!

  3. YES! Midnight at the Electric, Our Dark Duet, Little Monsters, and The Last Magician are all on my summer TBR as well. I've also been seeing This is How it Happened a few times now. I should check it out. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  4. Thank you! You need to get on Kara Thomas' book! It definitely surprised me. I caught who it was, but it was still a definite page turner.

  5. YES! I cannot wait to read them both! And don't forget to sign up this year! We can't win anything at our branches, but I am definitely going to make a point to participate. Maybe I'll make a contest with my kids too lol

  6. I haven't seen as much about this one as her other books. I hope it turns out to be as awesome as GATU though. I can't wait to see how it is!

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