Top Ten Authors I Can’t Believe I’ve Met!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Authors I Can’t Believe I’ve Met!

1. EMERY LORD: Omggggg she’s one of my favorite contemp romance authors and I had so much fun bragging about her new book (it was When We Collided back then) at TLA last year. I had been wanting to meet her for a very long time, so I have no idea how I was able to score a spot volunteering in her line, but it was totally awesome. I even gave her a bookmark business card of mine and she shouted me out on Twitter once. (I totally fangirled smh lmao)
2. NICOLA YOON: I will forever tell this story! She walked around the corner to look at her line for her new book at BEA (It was the Sun is Also a Star then) so I hurried up to turn around and tried taking a selfie with her. Well, she actually came and walked right into my pic without me knowing until I saw her. CUE THE FANGIRLING. Her assistant in the very back was back there LAUGHING at all of us (all the other bloggers in the pic) because we all fangirled SO HARD. lol 
3. MARISSA FREAKIN MEYER: There is no question how much I love her books. I’ve read them all multiple times in different formats and it was a JOY meeting her. I’ve met her twice now and every time it got better. I hope to be able to see her again on tour for the next book that comes out in November! This was the first time I met her at Montgomery County Book festival. I begged my mom to be my wing woman just so I could go meet her. 
4. Jennifer Armentrout: I’ve seen her multiple times now, but I still can’t believe I actually met her. I’ve read about 98% of her books and if I haven’t read them, I own them. I remember the first time I met her I kind of cried. It was my birthday and I had a tiara on my head and the first thing she said was “Oh my God it’s your birthday?” Ah priceless lmao 
5. MORGAN MATSON: She’s such a big name author I thouught I would never meet her! I remember crying when I finally did. I have read 98% of her books as well and if I haven’t read them, I own them. I’d like to say I owned meeting her too, but I totally cried at RT Teen Day in 2015.
6. STEPHANIE PERKINS: Another one I cried over. I still can’t believe I met her. She is the sweetest person ever and I think I cried a little here too. She gave me a hug and laughed and said I wasn’t the first person to do that and she felt bad everytime lol 
7. ALEX GINO: I read and fell in LOVE with George. I even bookpushed it to my mom who also loved it. We both read it every so often now and she was totally jealous that she didn’t go to TLA with me last year because I didn’t get her a book signed too lmao 
8. DAVID LEVITHAN: Another big name author that I still can’t believe I met. I really wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was real. He was super nice and I wish I could have talked to him and Alex Gino ALL DAY! They thought I was cool for read and reviewing diverse books, but I kept telling them, they’re the real heroes for writing them! 
9. ADAM SILVERA: The way I met him was pretty cool. I was volunteering on the end of someone’s line again at TLA and I turned around and saw him pass me with Victoria Aveyard. I think he saw me looking like a fish with my mouth open so I asked him was he Adam Silvera and I told him a little about me and more. I chewed him out for making me cry in More Happy Than Not, but then we were friends again lol 
10. Maggie Stiefvater: She’s super cool and edgy and I loved meeting her at BEA. It was pretty awesome because I wasn’t even in her line when we took that picture haha I was in line for my sister and I got to hold the sign and she came up out of nowhere and asked if she could take a picture with me holding the sign lol It was awesome and it clearly attracted attention lolol 
Even with meeting all these amazing people I still have so many more on my “To-Meet” list lol (I totally just made that up! lolol)
Who are some authors you can’t believe you’ve met?

4 thoughts on “Top Ten Authors I Can’t Believe I’ve Met!

  1. Great pics Nikki!! I'm amazed at the amount of authors I've met as well. Perhaps I should go with that topic next time! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. So many amazing authors. BEA and other bookish conferences are great for that. I have definitely met some favorites there like Marissa Meyer and Maggie Steifvater. I'm jealous you've met Morgan Matson though, I'd love to meet her. And Nicola Yoon. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  3. Nicola is the sweetest person on earth, I swear. I would LOVE to meet Marissa Meyer, but her events are always insanity and my anxiety can't handle that. Haha. I would like to meet Sarah J Maas but maybe just to hear her speak. I don't have time to wait in a three hour line. Haha.

  4. Morgan Matson, Stephanie Perkins, and Adam Silvera all made my list this week, too! I have also met Marissa Meyer, David Levithan, and Nicola Yoon from your list. All good experiences!! I am absolutely dying to meet Emery Lord! Awesome list 🙂

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