Top Ten Books I Loved Less Than I Thought I Would!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Books I Loved Less Than I Thought I Would!

I LOVE the anticipation of waiting for new books and I love finally getting them in my hands even more. But what happens when that book you’ve been waiting for for SO LONG comes out and it’s not at all what you wanted it to be? Unfortunately, this happens to me alot. Here’s some of the books that missed the mark with me. 

By Your SideAllegiant (Divergent, #3)
1. By Your Side by Kasie West: I should have loved this more than I did. There’s a budding romance between two people trapped in a library? Totally cute synopsis and reading it made my nerd heart happy. Unfortunately, it was not at ALL what I wanted and I was supremely disappointed in the wasted opportunity.
2. Allegiant by Veronica Roth: No it wasn’t because that person had that thing at the end happen to them. It was because the characters were supposed to be bad ass but for the most part, all of them were only luke warm. The characters I’d grown to love in Divergent were no longer there and I didn’t care for who they had become. And honestly, it was a bit boring. 
Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)Reawakened (Reawakened, #1)
3. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff: I really did like this one. But I also read it as an e-ARC, so all the really cool graphics and everything was missing so it didn’t have 100% of it’s umph for me yet. And that’s why I only gave it three stars and wasn’t really in a hurry to read Gemina when I got the ARC at BEA last year. I knew the graphics wouldn’t be there and I thought it unfairly to rate it with certain things because I hadn’t seen it in all it’s glory. Now I’m just waiting on my hold at the library to finally come in for Gemina for a finished copy so I can catch up! 
4. Reawakened by Colleen Houck: I thought I would love this one because of the Egyptian mythology in it. I mean let’s be real, it sounds right up my alley. But it just felt way too cheesy for me. I don’t even think I wrote a review for this one. I only listened to like the first 3 parts of the audiobook.
5. Wax by Gina Damico: Another one that wasn’t for me. The humor wasn’t funny and it was just not what I thought it would be. I thought I was getting something creepy and cool, but nope. She has more of a creepy, try to be funny approach and it just didn’t work for me. 
6. Roseblood by A.G. Howard: I remember almost drooling over both the premise and the cover for this book. So when I finally got my hands on it, I was so so sad at what was on the inside. There was wayyyyyyyy too much flowerly language (enough for me to get lost and have to read passages again) and to be honest, I wasn’t impressed by her “power” that she had.
Bone GapWink Poppy Midnight
7. Bone Gap by Laura Ruby: When this first came out I saw that everyone loved it. And then it won an award. So, when it appeared on my list of books to read for one of my assignments, I gladly picked it up. But then when I started listening to it, it didn’t seem like there was anything at all that I liked. 
8. Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke: With the amount of love I had for her debut, I should have LOVED this one. I knew what I was getting myself into when I added it to my TBR; fowery language, weird, the whole nine. But it was just too weird and the language was just too flowery and it all was just too much. I just couldn’t gel with it. 
My Sister RosaThe Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1)
9. My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier: I really liked this one. I just feel like I should have liked it more. The way everyone was talking about it and if you know me, you know that psycological thrillers are my JAM, so I really wanted to like this one.  But unfortunately, it was only meh for me. I still saw everything coming. There was nothing that just jumped out to me. 
10. The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi: Another one that I just feel like I should have liked more than I did. It had really beauutiul language and it had a really great story… Well for the part that I understood. It was kind of confusing after awhile. The middle dragged and it was what confused me. I’ve heard the second book is super amazing, so I still want to pick that one up as well! 

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Books I Loved Less Than I Thought I Would!

  1. Seeing a few on here that were ones I really liked, but yeah every book isn't for ever person! Reading Gemina as an ARC did have a tremendous downside with all the missing pictures and graphics and whatnot! I did mark all those pages to look back on in the finished copy just to see what it was that I missed. But the story was still amazing so the lack of graphics didn't really have an effect on me.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I also read an ebook version of "Illuminae" and I could not enjoy it fully. I was really disappointed. However, maybe one day I'll have the opportunity to get my hands on a physical copy and I may love it as much as everyone does.

    Happy readings! 😉

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