The Dragon’s Price by Bethany Wiggins

e-ARC, 304 pages

Release Date: February 21, 2017
Published by: Crown Books for Young Readers
Read from: DNF 
Transference, #1
Source: Netgalley (I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.) 
For fans of: Dragons, Fantasy, Romance, YA

     Fans of Julie Kagawa’s Talon and Renee Ahdieh’s The Wrath and the Dawn will devour this action-packed fantasy adventure about a girl who chooses to surrender herself to a deadly dragon rather than marry an enemy prince.
     When two warring kingdoms unified against a deadly menace laying waste to both their lands, they had to make a choice: vow to marry their heirs to one another, or forfeit their lives to the dragon.

Centuries later, everyone expects the sheltered princess Sorrowlynn to choose the barbarian prince over the fire-breathing beast—everyone, that is, except Sorrow, who is determined to control her own destiny or die trying.
     As she is lowered into the dragon’s chamber, she assumes her life is over until Golmarr, the young prince she just spurned, follows her with the hopes of being her hero and slaying the dragon. But the dragon has a different plan. . . .
     If the dragon wins, it will be freed from the spell that has bound it to the cave for centuries. If Sorrow or Golmarr vanquish the dragon, the victor will gain its treasure and escape the cave beneath the mountain. But what exactly is the dragon hiding?
     There are no safe havens for Sorrow or Golmarr—not even with each other—and the stakes couldn’t be higher as they risk everything to protect their kingdom.


     When I heard of this synopsis I was definitely excited for it. I’ll read ANYTHING with dragons in it. And because I saw the title, I didn’t even read the synopsis before I added it to my TBR. Maybe next time I will. 
     I won’t go into a vague overview of the plot like I normally do here because to be honest, the synopsis tells everything in the story. And I wasn’t happy that it it all happened within the first 25% of the book. It really just made me not want to read the rest of the book. 
     Then I read a little more of the book, and past that, it was only about the romance development. And I wasn’t really a fan of him to begin with. I was a little upset because there was so much that could have been done besides the just having it romance filled. Especially with the amazing writing style that Wiggins had. This is definitely one I wished I liked more. 
     I was a little disappointed because I really wanted to like this. I mean come on! DRAGONS. But unfortunately, this one just wasn’t for me. I can see other people loving this one, but it just wasn’t for me. Give it a shot and let me know how you all like it! 
DNF @ 40%

Take Me Away

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