You Don’t Know my Name by Kristen Orlando

e-ARC, 320 pages

Release Date: January 10, 2017
Published by: Swoon Reeads
Read from: January 7-11, 2017 
The Black Angel Chronicles, #1
Source: Netgalley (I recieved this book for free from the publisher. This in no way shaped my review of the book.)

For fans of: Spies, Contemporary, Romance, Action, Realistic Fiction, YA

     Fighter, Faker, Student, Spy.

Seventeen-year-old Reagan Elizabeth Hillis is used to changing identities overnight, lying to every friend she’s ever had, and pushing away anyone who gets too close. Trained in mortal combat and weaponry her entire life, Reagan is expected to follow in her parents’ footsteps and join the ranks of the most powerful top-secret agency in the world, the Black Angels. Falling in love with the boy next door was never part of the plan.
     Now Reagan has to decide: Will she use her incredible talents and lead the dangerous life she was born into, or throw it all away to follow her heart and embrace the normal life she’s always wanted? And does she even have a choice at all?
     Find out if you are ready to join the Black Angels in the captivating and emotional page-turner, You Don’t Know My Name, from debut novelist Kristen Orlando!


     This fast paced read was exactly what I needed when I felt an oncoming slump approaching. I needed something I could dive into and only want to come out when I was going to sleep. And this did exactly that for me. 
“I don’t like it when you pretend you’re someone you’re not. I just want you to be you. Good. Bad. […] I’ll still be here.‘”


     Reagan has never had a “normal” life. She’s been bounced around from house to house and town to town, all becasue of what her parents do for a living. But now she’s finally grown to like the place where they are most recently. But unfortunately for her, her parents are Black Angels, some super spies.They seem to be forcing her to choose the life they did, when suddenly she’s not so sure she wantst that anymore. 
“Some people aren’t meant to be happy. Some are meant to change the world.‘”


     From the beginning I fell for this book. The first line was talking about target practice and homework and I just thought that was cool lol It only continued to get better from there. The fast pace of the novel and everything that kept haappening was making me turn the pages fast enough to get whiplash lol There was so much going on and I loved it all!
“Beauty comes from how you treat people and how you behave, But if a little lipstick makes you smile, then you should wear it and forget what anyone else thinks.‘”

pg. 234

     I also really liked the romance. I was heartbroken at some times, but overall I was really happy with how Orlando put it together. I LOVED Luke and I loved everything about them together. They really made a good team.
“Guys will come and go Reagan-” Mom begins but I cut her off. Not this guy. […] Guys like him don’t come around every day.‘”


     But unfortunately as much as I did like, there were also things I wasn’t a fan of. For instance, all the social media sites, and things like Apple iPhones are mentioned instead of just saying smart phones or something. With all the names and everything listed, this book is dure to date itself. Ler’s hope everyone reads and loves it before then.
“I used to believe that every person was good or at least started out good. It’s people like […] who have forced me to lose that innocence.‘”


     I also didn’t like how it seemed to be everything happened for the plot to further itself along. Like paretns were missing at the exact right time. A friend comes outside at the exact right time. It even got to a point where I was even rolling my eyes because it happened so often. Maybe next time, have things a little more difficult for the characters totry and adapt to each other.
I’m coming.‘”


     To be honest, I really liked this book and I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book. I need to know what happesns to them and how they’re coping with the end.
Overall, I give this
Real rating 3.5, but I have rounded up to 4! 

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her