Top Ten Tuesday: Top Character Names I’d Name a Pet

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Character Names I’d Name a Pet

1. Princess in Black: From the super cute picture book The Princess in Black by Shannon Hale. I see a black cat named this for some reason lol 

2. Dinah: From Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes. Another cat I see. 

3. Magnus Chase: From the Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan. Being honest, I’d call a dog that and it’s obvious I’d call him that because I’m sure he’d like to “chase” things lmao 

4. Maguire: From Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes. I always wanted a tabby cat, and I’d call it “Tabby Maguire” lolol I know that’s stupid, but I think it’s cute. 

5. Midnight: From Wink, Poppy, Midnight by 
6. Skylar: From I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios. I can see myself naming the parrot I always wanted this lol 

7. Arcadia: From The Devil You Know by Trish Doller. I don’t really have a reason for this one…. I just really like the name. 

8. Katniss: From The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I’d obviously name a cat this. 

9. Honor: From In Honor by Jessi Kirby. No other reason besides I just really like it. 

10. Kaz: Obviously from the Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo. I would name a really sneaky cat this. 

If nothing else, this week’s topic showed me I am TERRIBLE with puns hahahaha 
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2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Character Names I’d Name a Pet

  1. Lots of Kaz love today! Had I read SoC before I wrote this post weeks ago, Kaz definitely would've made the list for something! LOL!

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