Top 10 Books I Read Because of Someone Else!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books I Read Because of Someone Else

Twilight (Twilight, #1)The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)
1. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer: I have never been a person who’s big on the undead (zombies and vampires) so I wasn’t really into reading this one. But then when this book became a movie my mom read it. And all my college roommates had already read it and loved it. They had to assure me that I would like it because it didn’t go much into the “undead” part but was more played onto the romance. And they were right. Because of this book I started reading any and all paranoral romance books I could get my hands on. 

2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: I DNF’ed this twice actually. But then one of my IRL friends had read it too and said “Just get to the Games.” And so I did. I went and just plowed through the first part and just read straight through. And finally I got to the good part.  And I really loved it. 
Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1)
3. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas: This is another I have DNF’ed and finally got around to reading it after I was talked into it a couple years ago. I have not been a huge fan of fairies before, but this series turned me around!
4. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo: I haven’t read this one yet, but I plan to when my teacher gets to the fantasy module. I was never a fan of fantasies until I started blogging so I asked around trying to get some ideas about trying to ease into the genre. THIS BOOK CAME UP IN EVERY CONVERSATION! Let’s hope I love it as much as everyone else. 
Tell Me Three ThingsThe Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love
5. Tell Me Three Things by Julie Bauxbaum: This book wasn’t on my radar until after it was already out. I wasn’t really going to read it, but there were like 5 people who told me to read it so I did. I ended up liking it but it wasn’t just amazing. 
6. The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love by Sarvenaz Tash: Another blogger actually made me read this. It had been lower on my TBR pile, but she convinced me to make it a priority. 
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)What You Always Wanted (If Only . . ., #8)
7. Cinder by Marissa Meyer: This one I can blame on the publishers. I LOVE this series now and it’s all their fault lol All I remember seeing is “it’s a retelling and the main character is a cyborg.” And then, once it finally got out, bloggers from all over started talking about the ending and I NEEDED to know what happened. So I finally read it. 
8. What You Always Wanted by Kristin Rae: This one I read because I wanted a quick romance. This one was recommended to me by other bloggers. One person mentioned it and the next person said “Oh yeah that one’s great!” and it was just like a domino effect! 
The Lifeboat CliqueWolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf, #1)
9. The Lifeboat Clique by Kathy Parks: This is another to blame on the publishers. I heard it had humor and was also had a Veronica Mars feel to it too. Definitely something I would want to read! 
10. Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin: I’m not a historical fiction person, so I waited almost an entire year before I read this. But when I finally did, it was so different than what I expected. 

One thought on “Top 10 Books I Read Because of Someone Else!

  1. I think constant reviews and love for them led me to read Cinder and Shadow of Bone too!! I enjoyed those as well, though it too me longer to read Cinder I think. Pretty sure it was my first "space" book so it was a struggle, but I ended up loving the series!

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