Top 10 All About Audio Freebie!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Reasons I Started Listening to Audio!

1. I listen to them while doing my homework: Before I started my Master’s I wasn’t big on listening to audiobooks. I used to just listen to the tv or music while I studied. But then I one day listened to one and I fell in love. I can’t believe I had waited so long to listen to them.

2. I can read so many more back list titles this way: There are some titles that I have listened to that I should’ve read last year. Hell to be honest, there are some that I should’ve gotten to a couple years ago. And audiobooks have given me the pleasure to do that.

3. The amount of things I can do while having my hands and eyes free while reading is amazeballs: Ok, so since I’ve started listening to audiobooks I’ve been able to cook, clean, drive, and do my set up stuff at work. I know it’s something small, but I never even though of doing all that before I started listening to them.

4. I can listen to headphones and no one will bother me: This is probably petty, but I’m not really a small talk person. And I have less of a chance of being invited to small talk when I have headphones versus when I have a physical book in my hands. That may sound mean, but it’s so true. 

5. I realized I read so much faster: On some audiobooks (those from Hoopla from the library) I just realized I can change the speed of the narrator. I normally speed it up to 1.5 and I can finish a book in a couple hours instead of a couple days. It really is quite lovely. 

6. I can literally read ANYWHERE: It’s a huge hassle to take a large book out my purse when I’m in a grocery store line or something. It’s so much easier for me to have my earpods in the entire time I’m shopping and then being ok to stand in a line that has 372308545  people in it because they won’t open more lines lol 

7. I like to bu jo while reading: I know this could go along with #3, but at the same time I wanted to put this one separate because it’s something I do on a daily now. I love my bu jo and I love working on my weekly spread or whatever the case may be when I’m listening to a book.

8. Helps me read more than one book at a time: For reasons I’m unsure of, I can only read one physical book and one audibook at a time. If they’re both physical, I can’t decide which one to read in my downtime. It’s so much easier to just know which one I should be doing. 

9. Phone Storage: I always only get the 8 gig phone, and instead of taking so much room on my phone for music, I only download audiobooks. Also, I can see myself turning down music for audibooks when ever I get the chance. 

10. Experiencing new narrators: I have barely been listening to audiobooks, but I can honestly say I’ve already found some really great narrators. Some that made me say “Oh they were good” and others that made me want to be an audiobook narrator because they were so good. 

What about you?
Why did you start listening to audio?!

2 thoughts on “Top 10 All About Audio Freebie!

  1. All great reasons for sure!! My problem is my mind tends to drift if I'm not focused on something. Same thing happens when I listen to music. I wish this could work for me!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I don't think I've downloaded music on my phone in years. It's always only audiobooks and I always delete them as soon as I finish them!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her