Follow Friday: Book Betrayals!

Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee’s View & Alison Can Read.    

The goal is to increase blog followers and make friends. Basically how it works is you follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. So looking forward to making new blogging friends & following blogs!

What’s your book betrayal story? (SOMEONE borrowed a book and destroyed it? waited for a book forever and it was terrible?)
     I once let someone borrow a book from me. I wanted them to read it. We were both HUNG UP on paranormal romances (it was right after I read Twilight) and I let her borrow my Hereafter by Tara Hudson. She never gave it back. To be honest I don’t even know if she ever even read it. She never told me she liked it or hated it and she also never gave it back. I ended up not finishing the series because I was so upset I never got it back lol 

What about you?
Do you have any Book Betrayal stories?

One thought on “Follow Friday: Book Betrayals!

  1. Oh bummer!! I actually enjoyed that trilogy! The final ending…well…it might have saved you emotions that's all I'll say! LOL!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her