This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

ARC, 427  pages

Release Date: July 5, 2016
Published by: Greenwillow Books
Read from: July 5-18th, 2016
Monsters of Verity, #1
Source: TLA 2016
For fans of: Fantasy, Paranormal, Action, Bombshell Endings, YA

     There’s no such thing as safe.
     Kate Harker wants to be as ruthless as her father. After five years and six boarding schools, she’s finally going home to prove that she can be.
     August Flynn wants to be human. But he isn’t. He’s a monster, one that can steal souls with a song. He’s one of the three most powerful monsters in a city overrun with them. His own father’s secret weapon.
     Their city is divided.
     Their city is crumbling.
     Kate and August are the only two who see both sides, the only two who could do something.
     But how do you decide to be a hero or a villain when it’s hard to tell which is which?


     A long while ago I read The Archived by Schwab and then I fell in love with her writing. I added all her books to my TBR, but this one was the one I desperately needed to read. I love the ideas of monsters and thought it would be interesting to see how she did it.

“Nothing is invincible”

pg. 235

     Kate lives in a world where everything is safe. Until she is forced to leave to go to a place where everything is unsafe. This would scare most people, but Kate revels in it. This is what she’s wanted all along. On the other hand, Flynn is a monster that wants to be human. In a world full of monsters, he’s one of the most powerful. But it’s still not enough for him. Now the city is dividing and there are only a few people trying to save it when everyone else is hell-bent on letting it fall. Who’s side are you on?

“Great. A squeamish monster. Go figure.”

pg. 277

     I really, really liked this book. I was a huge fan of the monster aspect. I found it interesting and totally out of the box. I also heard the author has another monster book out that I need to get my hands on! But what I didn’t like about the monsters, was the back story. What happened? Where did the monsters come from? Why did they start there and not go anywhere else? Can you tell me more about their origin? I have so many questions that I need to get answered. I think I just needed more world-building.

“…most people want to escape. Get out of their heads. Out of their lives. Stories are the easiest way to do that.”

pg. 305

     The other thing I liked was the build up. In the beginning it got a little hard to keep turning pages. It was so slow-going that I actually found myself putting it down to do homework more. But then once it picked up, I couldn’t read it fast enough. I found myself trying to read it on breaks, on the car outside my job if I was early, and more. This book will definitely sneak up on you. And I mean like sneak up. Once the monsters get involved, you’re in over your head.

“It hurts. […] Being. Not being. Giving in. Holding out. No matter what I do, it hurts. […] It doesn’t matter if you’re monster or human. Living hurts.”

pg. 352

     Now I see why there are so many Schwab collections all over my timelines! With books this good, I can finally open myself up to the fandom. And with that bombshell of an ending, I can’t wait to see what this next book is all about!

Overall, I give this

One thought on “This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

  1. OOoh nice! I can't wait to read this one! The monster aspect is what hooked me in as well! Glad to see you enjoyed it! Great review!

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