Top Ten Reasons I Love Libraries and working in them!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Reasons I Love Libraries and working in them! 

1. Putting FREE books in the hands of the public: Seeing teens and children with books in their hands, makes me a very happy person. I swear it makes my heart swell three sizes! 
2. Meeting so many diverse people!: As a POC and having many other ways I’m diverse, I love meeting other diverse people come into the library. More points if they come in and ask for diverse recs! 
3. Giving recs of my favorite reads!: I love that I can go into a library and not even work there and people can sometimes ask me for recs. And then when I see them check it out it feels so good to know that I BOOK PUSHED it into their hands! 
4. books, Books, BOOKS: I KNOW as a librarian I’m not going to be in my office all day, but let’s be honest, IDC how I interact with them, I’m just happy I get to be around them. 
5. Summer Reading Programs: I have participated in summer reading programs since I was old enough to read. I can’t wait to pass that love on to other people! 
6. Taking part in the different programs: I was in a sorority when I was in college, so I have alot of experience with planning things and putting together programs. I can do so much more than just your standard “movie nights” and I can’t wait to do some super creative maker spaces and more! 
7. Putting together displays that work with different themes: I LOVE making displays. I also love looking at them. So much so I have made an entire Pinterest board to get some ideas for later on. I also have a small binder for those that I would make and what books I would include with them. Y’all when I say displays are my favorite, I MEAN IT. I’d love to post some on here, but I don’t want to do that until I have an actual library to put them in 🙁 
8. Finding new recs from patrons: I love checking out the stats that show how many times a certain book has been checked out. Especially if I haven’t read it. Because let’s be honest, if it sounds like something I like, I’m going to read it lol 
9. Story-time and reading to the little ones: I love not only the reading to them, but the fun that goes with it. From the voices that the characters may make to the fun activity that goes with it. 

10. Meeting fellow book-lovers: I love meeting people that love books. Especially if they’re super nerdy like me. And of course, it’s 10 times better if they like some of the same books as me. 
What reasons do you love libraries?
What was your list about?

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Reasons I Love Libraries and working in them!

  1. OOh those all sound delightful!! I always wanted to work in a library growing up. Try as I might I never could get on in our library system when they had jobs! Oh well! Still can be a patron! 😀

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. In my current job, Im on the planning committee for a big conference were having in DC and I really enjoy it. And all I can think is "how cool would this be if it were book-related?"

    You are living the dream lady!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her