Ivory and Bones by Julie Eshbaugh

ARC, 384 pages

Release Date: June 7, 2016
Published by: HarperTeen
Ivory & Bone, #1
Source: Around the World ARC Tours
For fans of: Historical Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Retellings, YA

     A prehistoric fantasy—with allusions to Pride and Prejudice.
     Hunting, gathering, and keeping his family safe—that’s the life seventeen-year-old Kol knows. Then bold, enigmatic Mya arrives from the south with her family, and Kol is captivated. He wants her to like and trust him, but any hopes of impressing her are ruined when he makes a careless—and nearly grave—mistake. However, there’s something more to Mya’s cool disdain…a history wrought with loss that comes to light when another clan arrives. With them is Lo, an enemy from Mya’s past who Mya swears has ulterior motives.
     As Kol gets to know Lo, tensions between Mya and Lo escalate until violence erupts. Faced with shattering losses, Kol is forced to question every person he’s trusted. One thing is for sure: this was a war that Mya or Lo—Kol doesn’t know which—had been planning all along.


     When I heard of this all I needed to hear was “prehistoric.” That alone had made up my mind. But I knid of wish I had read the synopsis or something. If only even for a little bit. This one was definitely not what I was looking forward to.
     As for what I did enjoy, I really liked the setting. As y’all know, my blog’s name is Take Me Away because I really love settings that are done right. This book was one of those that was done right. There were mammoths and SABER TOOTHED TIGERS in there. Obviously I have never read anything like that before! I could literally see places they were in the story and I it was pretty cool.
     What I didn’t like was the pacing of the book. I was bored for most of it. Not because the book was bad, but it just felt so drawn out. Like there were a lot of fillers there instead of actual content.
     I kept hoping I could get more into and love it, but I honestly ended up DNF’ing. I ended up skimming the last couple pages. Although the book was something I really wanted to love, it just fell short for me. I can honestly then say this wasn’t my cup of tea! But many of you may love it!

Overall, I give this

One thought on “Ivory and Bones by Julie Eshbaugh

  1. Yeah I think the author got tied up in the day to day life of Kol, which wasn't always that interesting. It was a cool setting, but it could have been used in a different way.

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy