Top 10 Books I Wish Released Today!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books I Wish Released Today!

HeartlessThe Long Game (The Fixer, #2)
1. Heartless by Marissa Meyer: Although I don’t love this cover, I’d love to have this in my hands and reading it! 
2. The Long Game by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: Did you NOT read The Fixer? Did you not see how cool it was? Maybe I’m just super obsessed with Scandal, but I love that this series is so much like it and I can’t wait for more! 
P.S. I Like YouThe Steep and Thorny Way
3. P.S. I Like You by Kasie West: Any and every contemp by West I will read. I love her way of writing contemp romance and this one sounds adorable too! 
4. The Steep & Thorny Way by Cat Winters: I love what this story is about (via the synopsis) and I also love that there is a POC on the cover. (I may or may not have added this to my TBR just for that reason smh lol) 
DoreenThe Marked Girl (Marked Girl, #1)
5. Doreen by Ilana Manaster: Not sure if this is really happening, but it sounds really good. I’m a huge fan of classics being re-made and no one I’ve seen has done a remake of The Picture of Dorian Gray, so I really need this book to be released. And to be amazing! 
6. The Marked Girl by Lindsey Klingele: Enchanted in YA? Can I have it now please?!
Into WhiteThe Abyss Surrounds Us (The Abyss Surrounds Us, #1)
7. Into White by Randi Pink: I’m already desperate for this book. I can’t wait to see how this story unfolds. I wish it was being delivered to my house now lol 
8. The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie: Granted it’s real release date is around the corner, but still I want it now lol 
When We CollidedThe Winner's Kiss (The Winner's Trilogy, #3)
9. When We Collided by Emery Lord: I LOVE Emery Lord and she’s such a sweet amazing person. (I only know this via Twitter… *cries* come to Houston sometime!!!)  And in this one the character is nerodiverse…. I NEEDS IT! 
10. The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski: After what happened in the last book, I need to know what’s going to happen in this one. EVIL CLIFFHANGER WAS EVIL. And now I need to get my hands on this. ASAP. 

One thought on “Top 10 Books I Wish Released Today!

  1. Oooh nice topic! And picks! Yes to Heartless! The rest…kinda new to me! But have heard tons about The Winner's Kiss!

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    Have a GREAT day!

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