Looking back to 2015! How I did on my resolutions!

     This time in 2015 I was so excited because I wanted to change so many things on my blog and myself and I couldn’t wait to see what 2015 had in store for me! I decided to look back and see how I did on my 2015 resolutions. Here is my TTT from December 30, 2014

1. Request more physical ARC’s—> Yeah that didn’t change lol I still requested things only on Edelweiss and Netgalley haha I’m too scary. Maybe next year!

2. Shoot for making more amazing grades: —> Woop! I made all A’s so I’d say this was DEFINITELY an accomplishment! 

3. Read FOUR historical fiction books:–> See um, I TRIED doing this…. But two of those reads I DNF’ed so I don’t think that counts lmao 

4. Stop buying books based on the cover:—> I did really good with this one actually. Much better than I thought. Also, I used the library ALOT more so I only bought books I really enjoyed when I borrowed from the library or those that I loved while reviewing them. 

5. Catch up on ALLLLLLLLL the series: ––> This one was an epic fail lol Instead of catching up on some series, I just started more and then more than likely got myself behind in those as well smh lol 

6. Read more books featuring diversity:  —> Woop! Proud to say I did 12+ some! I did 15. This year I want to do the same challenge, except this time I’m hosting one. As a POC I’m extremely proud of this and can’t wait to read more books featuring diversity in some way! 

7. Read more Middle Grade: –> I did indeed read more MG, but it wasn’t for fun like I wanted . Maybe this year will be MY year!

8. Reading at LEAST 10 titles I should’ve read a long time ago:—> Yeahhhhh, this one was an epic fail too. I think I made it to 3. This year I’m doing a challenge to just read one a month. It shouldn’t be too hard! 

9. Talk to more people in the book community: —> I realized that I’m the best at this one when I’m not in school. When I’m in school and buried in school work, I don’t have much time to talk or be on Twitter. I find myself only getting on there for homework help. It drives me crazy to not talk to you guys as much, but hopefully in 2016 I can find a better balance. 

10. Get better about cross posting: —> That awkward moment when you realize you didn’t get better for one of your resolutions, you got WORSE. But in my defense, Amazon got SO strict in thier review policies that I decided after awhile I just didn’t care to post them there anymore. But, I have no excuse for my Review Archive or on Barnes and Noble smh I just need to get better with those lol 

So, how did you do on your bookish goals for 2015?!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy