The Lies About Truth by Courtney C. Stevens

e-ARC, 336 pages

Release Date: November 3, 2015
Published by: HarperTeen
Source: Edelweiss (This galley was given to me to read and give a just and honest review. All thoughts written under the review are my own.) 
For fans of: Romance, Mystery, Contemporary, Grief, Realistic Fiction, YA

     Sadie Kingston, is a girl living in the aftermath. A year after surviving a car accident that killed her friend Trent and left her body and face scarred, she can’t move forward. The only person who seems to understand her is Trent’s brother, Max.
     As Sadie begins to fall for Max, she’s unsure if she is truly healed enough to be with him — even if Max is able to look at her scars and not shy away. But when the truth about the accident and subsequent events comes to light, Sadie has to decide if she can embrace the future or if she’ll always be trapped in the past.


     Stevens has just landed herself on my auto-buy author list. Everything she writes I’ve loved. She’s also one of the sweetest people EVER and her “Channel your Brave” campaign is something that not only teens should look into, but adults as well.

“Knowing something wasn’t worth shit sometimes.


     In this story, Sadie is a girl who is hurt by the death of her best friend Trent. She loses not only her best friend, but also the entire group they hung out with. This has left Sadie all alone and by herself. Until she starts e-mailing with Max, Trent’s younger brother. And then, everything changes when one summer, they’re forced together by the anniversary of the accident.

“…you have to accept that you’re still here, and that maybe just maybe, there’s a reason. Find the reason.


     After reading Stevens’ first book I knew anything she wrote I would add to my TBR list because of her writing style. I was right to think that because I loved this one almost just as much. I loved how she’s able to suck you in from page one and keeps you sucked in until the very end. I also love her ability to make her readers feel everything. In all her books I’ve laughed, cried, and swooned so hard it hurt. Stevens does an amazing job in handling grief and knowing how to reign in your emotions. And of course, the amount of quotes I have in my composition book has raised significantly after reading this. It was so hard to pick the quotes I wanted for

“A kiss can be a kiss or it can be an event.


     I also loved that there was so much more to the story than I thought. It took a complete different turn and I loved it. After finding out the plot twist I’m sure I would have seen it coming, but I was too engrossed in reading that I didn’t think about it. I like how it seemed predictable, but I was loving it too much to care. I’m sure all readers will do the same thing and find themselves immersed in Steven’s words.

“I fell, and it didn’t kill me. So I decided that if I was going to fall, I might as well fall moving up..


     I also loved how this had elements of a romance, but it wasn’t all about the romance. I loved that there was more going on than just what was happening between the couple. It made it so much more interesting. Even still, there were some swoon-worthy moments that I loved. With those that I least expected.

“You want change, make some.


     Overall, I liked this one almost as much as her debut. Stevens is definitely one author I will be on the look out for. I think I stated this once before, but anything she writes, I will read.

Overall, I give this

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