TTT: Top Books Featuring Diversity I Haven’t / Can’t Wait to Read!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Ten Books that Celebrate Diverse Characters
But, as a Diverse blogger, I celebrated this topic earlier this year here: Pick Your Own Topic on Diversity once. I’m gonna use this opportunity to do:
Ten Books Featuring Diversity I Haven’t/Can’t Wait to Read 

Featuring “Non-Twiggy” Characters-
Future PerfectDumplin'
1. Future Perfect by Jen Larsen: In almost EVERY YA book I’ve ever read, the main character is a jogger or someone that works out in another way and let me tell you, I didn’t do any of that as a teen lmao I just worked out with band because I had to lol (Releases October 6, 2015)

2. Dumplin by Julie Murphy: Willow is in a beauty queen pageant as a “big” girl and I LOVE it. She feels so great at home in her own skin and I can’t wait to read about her. Willow and her book are sitting on my bookshelf taunting me. I will have to read it SOON. (Releases September 15, 2015)

Featuring a Person of Color-
Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4)Pointe
3. Winter by Marissa Meyer: OF COURSE THIS BOOK MADE MY LIST. I’M ONE OF THE BIGGEST LUNAR CHRONICLES FANS ON THE PLANET. Add on to the fact that Winter is a POC and Winter has a freaking POC on the cover….. I’m in LOVE. (Releases November 10, 2015)

4. Pointe by Brandy Colbert: The main charcter is a POC and I am ALL OVER THAT. As someone that can classify as a “diverse blogger,” I really love seeing all any POC book and want to read them ALL. (OUT NOW!)

Everything Leads to YouNone of the Above
5. Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour: I’ve heard the swoonage in this one tops the charts. It’s really weird that I haven’t read this one because that’s what I live for: Super Swoons! (OUT NOW!)

6. None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio: I was iffy about this one, but after it was released, I heard that there was so much I could learn from this book so I decided to add it to my TBR. And now I can’t wait to get time to get to it! (OUT NOW)
Lies We Tell OurselvesWhat We Left Behind
7. Everything by Robin Talley: Lies We Tell Ourselves (OUT NOW) is about two chicks (one black and one white) back in the 50’s who fall in love. FORBIDDEN LOVE!!! I loves it! The only reason I haven’t read it yet, my mom still has my copy. As for What We Left Behind, (Releases October 27, 2015) this one opens a whole nother door for YA. This one features a gender queer character, and I can’t wait to read it!
WonderPerfect Escape
8. Wonder by R.J. Palacio: If you’ve visited my blog before, you know that illness is a hard one for me. My sister has one as do I and sometimes they just hit too close to home. But this is one I just can’t wait to get to one day. I heard it’s a tear jerker though so I need to get myself ready. (OUT NOW)
9. Perfect Escape by Jennifer Brown: The only reason I haven’t read this one is because the main character has OCD. This is one of those books that are too close to home. I also have OCD and when this book was released I had a gut feeling I had it, but wasn’t diagnosed with it yet. I think now that I’ve been diagnosed, it may be a little easier to read it. (OUT NOW)
Don't Touch
10. Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson: This is another one that basically hit too close to home before. She has anxiety and so do I. I just couldn’t make myself read it. But again, now that I’ve been diagnosed, it should be a little easier to get through. (OUT NOW)
You can find other diverse reads that I’ve read this year here on my Challenges page!  

What diverse books are your favorites?!

8 thoughts on “TTT: Top Books Featuring Diversity I Haven’t / Can’t Wait to Read!

  1. We share the Lunar Chronicles. Great picks!

    Check out my TTT and my leg of the Forsworn Blog Tour.

  2. Lunar Chronicles made my list too! The series as a whole is so diverse. I love it! I can't wait to read Winter.
    None of the Above was pretty good. Not my favorite writing style but a must-read nonetheless. Definitely need to check out the others. Great list!

    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  3. A lot of people are putting the Lunar Chronicles on their list. I have yet to even read Cinder.

    My TTT

  4. I will definitely be checking some of these (that I haven't read yet) out. Great list! My TTT:

  5. I didn't remember that Winter was a POC – I'll have to look more closely at that cover! 🙂

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  6. SO MANY books I want to read!!! I get so excited when I see new diverse books. Some are very emotional and I have to be in the right mood to read though, so I tend to prepare myself emotionally before starting one. LOL Great picks this week! 🙂

  7. I loved Wonder! The others are all on my wish list. The cover of Winter is stunning. My TTT

  8. I love you list, and love that you included Wonder as well! I think you'll love it — as much as it is a hard book to read, it's also a book that filled me with such hope for humanity as well. Also, I didn't realize that Winter is a person of colour! Perhaps I knew that from the end of Cress, but it's been a while since I read it, and it probably slipped my mind. BUT that makes me even more excited for release date!!!!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her