Mini-Review: Dream of You by J. Lynn

Kindle e-book, 131 pages
Release Date: June 23, 2015
Published by: Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated
Wait for You, #4.5
Source: Own (Bought)
For fans of: Contemporary Romance, Drama, Chick-lit, Realistic Fiction, Series, NA, Sparkly Covers

     Abby Erickson isn’t looking for a one-night stand, a relationship, or anything that involves any one-on-one time, but when she witnesses a shocking crime, she’s thrust into the hands of the sexiest man she’s ever seen – Colton Anders. His job is to protect her, but with every look, every touch, and every simmering kiss, she’s in danger of not only losing her life but her heart also.


      If you’ve visited my blog, you know that the Wait For You series is my favorite NA series. So when I heard there was a novella about a character, I was extremely happy. And to find out it was Colton….. Yeah that sealed the deal. I couldn’t wait for this novella to come out.
“I love books. […] There’s nothing more powerful than the written word. It can transfer you to a place that exists right noe that yoou’ll never get to visit or it can take you to a world that doesn’t. It can show you things you’ll never experience otherwise in life, and books… most importantly, they can take you out of your own world, and sometimes you need that.”
     Abby has been on several dates lately and mostly all of them were terrible. Including the one she just left from, On her way home, she sees something that she shouldn’t have seen and suddenly the police are involved. Enter, Colton Anders. He’s sent to make sure that what she saw doesn’t come back to haunt her, but emotions come up and it’s not what they’re expecting. 
“…I need to believe – that happily ever after exists in real life too. […] For all of us.”
     The main thing I loved about this novella was the plot. I love that there was still so much action going on even with the small amount of pages. It shows what an amazing writer JLA is. She can turn anything into an amazing story, (In a record amount of time I might add!) But the plot in this one moved steaduly and I was so happy it wasn’t choppy because it was a novella.
“Do you believe in second chances?”
     As far as the romance, I was a bit thrown about it. It seemed to be insta-lovey, but I had to make myself remember that this was a novella and not a full fledged novel. This is what I loved most about it. I was LOST in Abby and Colton. I was so happy that Colton got someone like Abby. They both deserved each other. I can’t wait to see them in future books. 
“Insta-love didn’t exist in the real world.”
     This series is still one of my favorites and I can’t wait to see what happens next. I really hope that both Colton and Abby will be seen in the rest of the series. 
Overall, I give this

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