Armchair BEA: Visual Expressions and Social Media!

Visual Expressions

There are so many ways to tell stories. Whether it’s comic books, graphic novels, visual novels, webcomics, etc, there are quite a lot of other mediums to tell a story. On this day, we will be talking about those books and formats that move beyond just words and use other ways to experience a story.

I’m gonna go with comic books and movies because if you didn’t know, I actually collect Wonder Woman comic books. As a true comic book lover, I love all types of comics, from the very beginning with superheroes to just the super funny ones like Archie! I LOVE them all and I love reading them.

Image result for wonder woman comic book strip
The rest of the world is just as fond of them as I am, and just like with regular books, movies about the superheroes are all over the place. Which makes me ridiculously happy, but also a little upset. Even with all the love, people are still drawing away from the women superheroes. We still get the SAME freakin Spiderman, Superman, and Batman movies EVERY FREAKIN YEAR. And now come to find out we’re also now getting another Fantastic 4 movie just to use completely different people. Like REALLY? They’d rather let the same concept get used over and over instead of giving one of the bigger heroes her own movie?

Image result for wonder woman comic book strip
Obviously I’m talking about Wonder Woman. Her comics are amazeballs and her tv show from back in the day was just as good. Lynda Carter is a goddess and I’m sure if the problem is “no one would be as good as her,” she could teach them.. I’m not sure what the actual reason is for not even trying to make her a movie, but I think it’s stupid that “Ant Man” will be getting one before she will. I mean really….. His enemy is a freakin BEE. I can’t even.

Image result for wonder woman comic book strip
I’m not sure what the reason is for them to be so scared to have a female superhero character, but they need to get over it. The material, the actress/actors, the viewers are out there. Hollywood, you just have to make it happen. And make it good. Because Wonder Woman is bad ass. EVERYONE will love a well planned, well thought out movie about her.

Would you watch a Wonder Woman movie?
What other FEMALE comic book character would you like to see on the big screen?

Social Media

How do you use social media to expand your blogging/writing horizons?  Social Media is all about networking and connections, and utilizing today’s technology to the fullest.  Make sure you mention your own social media pages. Do you have another blog, maybe a Tumblr? Have a Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook? Or maybe there’s an underrated social media program that you like.

I use a lot of platforms of social media for my blog. It helps to make others aware of my presence online. I use Twitter to tweet out links so anyone that follows me can look at the post and I also use it to tweet the links to authors so that they can see the post of what I have done for their books.
As far as what social medias I have for the blog, I have an Instagram, a Goodreads, a Snapchat, a Twitter, a Tumblr, and a Pinterest. The Instagram and Twitter are the ones I use the most. I still use my Snapchat, Pintrest, and Tumblr, but not as much. I just want to make sure my blog is seen across all platforms. I have a pretty big audience already, but I still want to continue to make it grow. I mean I started this blog to tell people what I thought about books, so I want to let EVERY ONE know my opinions!

What social Media do you use?
Which ones are your favorites?
Which ones don’t you use as much?

9 thoughts on “Armchair BEA: Visual Expressions and Social Media!

  1. Huge Wonder Woman fan! I used to watch Linda Carter when I was a kid. I even had the Wonder Woman underoos when I was little.

  2. I absolutely loved your post! I would love to see a Wonder Woman movie! i'm a huge spider-man fan though I never read the comics I would agree that they do deliver the same movie over and over instead of doing something new and fresh.

    For social media, I use the same as you twitter and instagram are probably my favorites. It definitely helps me connect with new bloggers.

    Tina, The Bookworm

  3. Wow! Kudos to you. That is a lot of social media and it sounds like fun. I am too easily distracted, so I limit the platforms that I use. I am on Twitter more than any other social media outlet, but I am mostly social through commenting.

  4. I would be all over a Wonder Woman or female superhero film, even just out of principle! I love Paul Rudd but an Ant Man film when Black Widow is just waiting to break the box office?! Also, I've basically just followed you on almost everything, please don't feel stalked! I definitely use Twitter the most as well, although I don't always interact as much as I would like to! I hope I see you at the Twitter chat tonight! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Can't wait to read the rest of your BEA posts!
    My BEA post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  5. I would love a Wonder Woman movie. Linda Carter was my introduction to the idea that girls could save the world too!

  6. Wonder Woman is awesome!!! I loved watching her show but I haven't read any of the graphic novels with her in it. I started to watch graphic novel adaptations on film a few years ago when I was in graduate school. I'm obsessed with the transformation of a storyline from novel, film, graphic novel, tv and games. I love the differences that happen with each one unless they totally change the story.

  7. I loved Wonder Woman back in the 80's but not sure I can get into yet another remake of a classic.

  8. Used to love the old Wonder Woman TV show, but never really read the comics. I mainly use Facebook and Pinterest, but have accounts for Twitter and Instagram too. Need to work on those, as I'm not online as much as I probably should be.

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such…

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her