Beyond the Book: Featuring Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

This bookish feature is an original by me! I had the epiphany for this the other day when I was writing out my 15 bookish confessions. (See #7) A lot of times I like to go “beyond the book” and do something that will connect me with the book and characters a little more. It will pop up on Mondays! Be on the look out for which books caught my eye and made me go beyond just reading it! 


    I’ve already done a Beyond the Book for the Sorcerer’s Stone, so I’ll do one for the first book that features Butterbeer, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)
Why don’t we go and have a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks, it’s a bit cold, isn’t it?
     In book three, J.K. Rowling introduces a certain drink that the faculty, staff,and wizarding world as a whole loves. It is mentioned as “foamy” and “such a delight.” I’ve always wanted to try some, but I just couldn’t find the right recipe. Finally, I did! 
     It all started when I was looking through my Instagram one day and saw this from the super funny Adam Silvera. Naturally, since I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan I just HAD to try one of them. (BE ADVISED THAT THIS BUTTERBEER IS FOR GROWN UPS ONLY!) Because let’s face it… I’m not going to The Wizarding World of HP anytime soon 🙁  But I kept looking at it and never tried it. But since my birthday was yesterday and I had just watched the Harry Potter Forever weekend on ABC, it was fresh on my mind again. So I decided that’s what I wanted to do for my bday. 
     So, I got all the ingredients and decided to make my own! Vanilla vodka, Butterscotch Schnapps, and Cream Soda. I wasn’t entirely sure how that Butterscotch Schnapps was going to turn out, but I was willing to give it a try. I already know that the vanilla added to it would make it a lot better.
     Since I didn’t have a real recipe with exact measurements, I just merely added it to my own taste. I put it to where it wasn’t strong at all, and to where it was actually overly sweet.


     In the end it really did look like “Butterbeer.” It was foamy, it was a nice color, and it tasted really good! Even my mom enjoyed it, saying “Is this really what Harry and them drank all the time? No wonder they stayed in so much trouble.” lol It was a really great weekend with family, good drinks, and a pro football game . Thank you Adam and thank you J.K. Rowling! I can’t wait to try the rest of those mentioned on the menu!
Have you ever re-created a recipe (drink or food) that you’ve read about in  abook?
Did you get the recipe or did you have to make it up as you went along? 
Have you ever had such a connection with a book that you had to go beyond just reading it? 

Join me on Mondays with Beyond the Book! 

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her