TTT: Books that are on my Summer TBR!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
 Top Ten Tuesday: Books That are on my Summer TBR!
*These are in no particular order!

For this I’m using only books that are being released in the summer-ish months! (JUNE, JULY, & AUGUST!) Why you ask? There are sooooooooooooo many books releasing in September that there was no way I would have narrowed that down to 10! So, I’ll cross the road to fall TBR when I get there lmao

These books are paired with the places I WISH I could be in while I was reading it! 

I’ve heard nothing but great things about this one already. I’ve been thinking I need to rethink my non-fantasy reading! (Releases July 15)
I’ve heard this is one of the most interesting road trip books ever and I can’t wait to see what they mean by that. And of course, I will NOT turn down an awesome contemp during the summer! Those are my favorite reads during this hot season! (Releases July 29) 
I’ve heard so many mixed emotions about this one. I want to be able to form my own opinions. Here’s to hoping I love it! (Released June 3)
Sooooo I’ve heard this is one of those keep you up at night books. And you all know how much I LOVE those! Can’t wait to get to this one! (Released June 12)
This is another one that sounds a little freaky. I need to get my hands on it! I just can’t wait to see how good it’s going to be! (Releases August 5)
I’ve heard that the level of cute in this was sky high! I can’t wait to get to a beach and read it somewhere! (Released June 17)
I love the synopsis of this one! I have it on my TBR and I plan to read it soon! it’s super relevant in this day and age and I can’t wait to see how it works out! (Released June 17)
This one is definitely high on my TBR because it features the South. Anything with a Southern feel to it, I WANT IT. I just want to see how the South is depicted and if I can relate to it! (Released June 17)
I haven’t read many books from a dude’s POV, but I realy want to read this one. It features a teen runaway and a what seems like a GREAT romance! (Released June 3)
Ok, I heard good things about this one too, but I’ve still been kind of iffy on if I want to read it… If you’ve read it and think it’s worth the read, let  me know!  (Released June 10)
What books being released this summer do you plan to read?
Have you read any of these on my list already???

One thought on “TTT: Books that are on my Summer TBR!

  1. OOoh nice! Kiss of Deception is one I really want to give a go! I was hesitant at first–basically when it was on Netgalley!–but then I changed my mind. Can't wait to give it try!

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