Armchair BEA 2014: Intros & Literature!


     Unfortunately here is another year that I couldn’t make it to BEA ๐Ÿ™ Living in Texas and going to NYC is a bit too far for me. Especially going by myself. I just couldn’t make the leap to do it. Next year tho I am MAKING my mom go. She’ll be retired by then so it’ll be ok lol But ANYWAYS, since I can’t go, I will be bringing BEA to me…. And my armchair lol So, here’s a little info about me:

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from? 

My name is Nikki and I have been blogging for about 3 years. I went on a break after the first year because school, work, and blogging was just too much. (Especially as an English major. I had ENOUGH reading for school and it took me forever to read a pleasure book…) I got into blogging because I wanted to do something cool for an English project I had. We had to get creative and do a non-traditional book report on the books we read. (Thinking about it now, the project can actually be more closely associated with my feature Beyond the Book.) But anyways, I wanted to do something cooler than just a paper, so I created a blog. Butttt considering she didn’t have a blogger account and she didn’t want to take my password and blah, blah, blah I couldn’t keep it. So I ended up keeping it for my own leisure and making it a MG/YA/NA book blog instead. Now thee years later I’m so happy about deciding to keep it up. I’m from the USA in Texas. I would say where, but I’m from all over. From Galveston, to Houston, to Huntsville, I’m all over the place!

2. Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details — Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. — so we can connect more online. 

“My blog is all about me and my opinion.” I really love books and I love to share my opinions on them! I love meeting people that can agree or agree to disagree about the same books I read! Here are my links:

    3. What genre do you read the most? I love to read because _____ . 

     It kind of depends. I started out reading mostly paranormal romance. But then I migrated to mostly contemporary fiction. Basically I’m just into whatever sounds good. I started reading when I was 4 by myself. I don’t remember how I did it and my mother has no idea what happened either, but it did. I’ve been reading ever since. I mostly read because I like to escape my own reality, I can’t afford to go many places and don’t have super rich parents or a super nice job so I do what I can and take the vacations that I can. And they mostly come in the form of books. Plus, there’s no better love than the love from a fictional boy <3 lol They’re a big part of the reason I read too! 

4. Share your favorite book or reading related quote. 

      “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” It goes hand in hand with my blogs name. They transport me to different places I may never get a chance to visit! 
5.  What book would you love to see as a movie? 

     Cinder by Marissa Meyer. If her entire series could be made into a movie, I would die of happiness. She’s so creative and sweet! Her Lunar Chronicles would be a hit in the box office because it is such a cool and unique series and I’m sure it would have some amazing effects. 


   Since this is such a broad topic, I don’t even know where to start. I really want to give you a list of all my 5 and 4 star reads, but that would take FOREVER. lol So, here’s a couple of them that were near and dear to my heart. 
     My favorite genre is contemporary. And because I’m such a fan of romance, ANYTHING with a good swon will make my favorites list as well. But, what I found out from two of these, I like a healthy bit of action as well. Here’s my favorites and how they became my favorites:
Something RealRebel BelleMaybe One DayTime Between Us (Time Between Us, #1)Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)
     Something Real by Heather Demetrios: The MC is a chick that’s been on a tv show her entire life with her other 12 siblings. She is one of the two that’s fighting for their freedom from the public eye and from their parents who will do anything for a check. It definitely made me think twice about how thankful I am for only have “Big Brother” watching me and not allllll of America. And let’s be honest. Patrick is amazing too.
     Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins: This is one of my favorite reads of 2014. I loved Harper already and the fact that she was kick ass made me love her even more. Then there’s the setting. With me being from the south, I can attest to the fact that this is exactly how the south is. Everyone smiling in your face and being someone completely different behind your back. Which is why I loved the action. It was non-stop and it was all so crazy. I bit my nails, I laughed, and I swooned. This story is so good!
     Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor: Another 5 star for me this year. This is a beautiful story about womance and health. I think I connected to this story so much so because I had just lost two family members to cancer and it made me appreciate my friends that are still here. No they can’t take the place of my family, but my friends to be shown love too. 
     Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone: I loved the time traveling in this one. It was easy to follow and I appreciated the fact that they loved music so much. And good music at that. And as far as the romance, for them to be so different, they are both AMAZING together. And when I say different, I mean like time wise. Anna is from 95 and Bennett is from 2012. 
     Cinder by Marissa Meyer: When I first heard about this book, I was convinced it was stupid. Cyborgs? Really? But then I sat down and read it. Andddd low and behold, it became my favorite series! I really liked Cinder and when Scarlet came out I fell in love with it. And of course Cress is even better than that! This series will take you on an imaginative futuristic ride. And trust me, you won’t want to get off! 
Go show those reviews some love! At the very least, go find out what else about them I LOVED! 
(It just might give you an extra chance in my giveaway at the end of Armchair BEA! *wink, wink*)

Join me tomorrow to talk about Author Interactions and how to read with More Than Just Words!

17 thoughts on “Armchair BEA 2014: Intros & Literature!

  1. I haven't ever been able to make it to BEA either, but I'm happy to be joining Armchair BEA this year. I love it that you are an English major (if I ever went back to college for another degree, that would be it!) and I love it that you are from Texas (does Alvin ring a bell with you?!)

    Welcome to Armchair BEA. So happy to meet you!

  2. When my students complain about writing book reports, I tell them that I write at least one every day. You are so right about books taking us places we can't go and providing us with great vicarious experiences. Have fun with BEA.

  3. That is a great blog description ๐Ÿ˜€ That quote is so spot on!

    Mel@thedailyprophecy – Introduction

  4. I am from Texas as well and totally feel your pain! I really think I'll do my best to go to the Teen Book Fest in Austin in October. I am desperate! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I think Rebel Belle is my next read… it sounds so great!

  5. *Waves* Hi Nikki, Cinder would be a wonderful adaptation. Hopefully Hollywood has had that same thought. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Nice to meet you, Nikki. I loved Cinder. I have to read more of the series. My co-blogger, Danielle, is all caught up. Must still read Rebel Belle.

  7. Being an English major was hard, but now I'm trying to go back to school for my Library Science degree which is equally as hard lol And yessss! I know all about Alvin! You're in my old school district, Galveston Independent School District! Have fun with ABEA and thanks for stopping by!

  8. I will definitely be at Texas Teen Book Festival! I'm getting more excited about it as they announce the authors that will be there!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Hi Nikki! I "grew up" around Houston, TX. Lived there for about 12 years. I've always loved Texas – except for the extreme heat in the summers!

    Ah yes, Cinder….one I have YET to read yet. It's on the list though.

    Enjoyed learning about you!
    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  10. Hi Nikki! It's nice to meet you.

    I have really got to get my hands on the Lunar Chronicles. I have been seeing everywhere today.

    What are you looking forward to the most at Armchair BEA this week?

  11. I've been wanting to read Cinder for so long, but I'm one of those people who has to wait for the series to finish so I can read it all in one go. It's its own kind of torture… but less torturous than being in the middle of the story and having to wait to find out what happens next.

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her