Top Ten Tuesday: My Gateways to Reading!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
 Top Ten Tuesday:  Top Ten “Gateway” Books/Authors In My Reading Journey
*These are in no particular order!

1. Babysitter’s Club: When I was a little girl I read mostly adult books. I didn’t know about too many children’s. But then one day I was given a box with almost ALL of the Babysitter’s Club books (if you read them, you know there was A LOT) and I remember putting them on my shelf in numerical order and starting them from the very beginning. This opened my eyes to books featuring people closer to my age. 
 Kristy's Great Idea (The Baby-Sitters Club, #1)

2. The Harry Potter series: To this day I’m not a huge fan of fantasy, but this is the only series that I’ve read, and re-read, and RE-READ that’s fantasy. I am planning to venture out and read more of them as i get more into completing my personal tasks of reading genres I’m not completely fond of. 
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

3. Encyclopedia Brown books: My mother told me she loved his books when she was a little girl and I decided that if they were good that long ago (Sorry Mommy you’re not old lol) They must be good. So I gave them a chance. And after that, any whodunit books to this day I STILL love. 
Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective (Encyclopedia Brown, #1)

4. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer: I know this is going to sound cliche, but it’s the trruth. For the longest, as a teen, I only read adult books and they were mostly contemps. But one day my mom saw that Twilight was getting a lot of attention and decided to read it. I never got on the bandwagon. Until I got to college. And I actually kind of liked it. This made me want to read all the things paranormal. If it didn’t have a human falling for a paranormal creature, and a villain trying to get them, I didn’t want to read it. 
Twilight (Twilight, #1)

5. Percy Jackson: I hated mythology in school. But then when i sat down and read the Percy Jackson series, I fell in love with it. I even found myself wanting to go back and read The Odyssey and The Illiad since I knew more about the people in it. It was a super entertaining read, but it also taught me a lot and made me appreciate mythology so much more. 
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)

6. The Perfect Chemistry series: I put off reading this book because I HATED the cover. It looked so freaking cheesy and I would’ve been embarrassed to read it in public. But when i finally read it, I fell in love. Like this was the gateway to me not worrying about covers because sometimes gems are underneath ugly flaps.
Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry, #1)

7. Goodnight Moon by Margaret Brown: My mother read this to me when I was still in her stomach. And apperantly I loved it. She said I used to squirm all the time once she started reading it. I’m guessing this is what sparked my love for reading. 
Goodnight Moon
Well I only have 7 this week so I’m cheating, but I never really needed an excuse to read. I taught myself at 4 how to read and ever since I’ve just been reading anything I could get my hands on. 
What got you reading? 

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Gateways to Reading!

  1. Yay Babysitter's Club! Don't recall reading those but I did watch the TV Show!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I used to love The Babysitter's Club! Those books were so wonderful. I'm a huge fan of the movie too. And of course Harry Potter! Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

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