Be With Me by J. Lynn

e-ARC, 300 pages

Release Date: February  4, 2014
Published by: Avon Books
Wait for You, #2
Source: Edelweiss (A huge thanks to Avon Books and Edelweiss for this galley in exchange for a just and honest review!)
For fans of: New Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Hot Literary Guys, Realistic Fiction  

     Teresa Hamilton is having a rough year—she’s in love with her big brother’s best friend, but he hasn’t spoken to her since they shared a truly amazing, mind-blowing, change-your-life kiss. She got out of a terrible relationship. And now an injury is threatening to end her dance career for good. It’s time for Plan B – college. And maybe a chance to convince Jase that what they have together is real.
     Jase Winstead has a huge secret that he’s not telling anyone. Especially not his best friend’s incredibly beautiful sister. Even though he and Teresa shared the hottest kiss of his life, he knows that his responsibilities must take priority. He certainly doesn’t have time for a relationship. But it doesn’t help that all he can think about kissing the one girl who could ruin everything for him.
     As they’re thrown together more and more, Jase and Tess can’t keep denying their feelings for each other. But a familiar danger looms and tragedy strikes. As the campus recovers, the star-crossed couple must decide what they’re willing to risk to be together, and what they’re willing to lose if they’re not…


*This book is part of the new adult contemporary romance genre! It is more mature than both YA. I have featured it in Between the Covers as a way to feature the few Adult and New Adult titles I am beginning to read!”  


      The more I read of JLA, the more I fall in love with her writing… AND her book boys. In the first book and the novella in this series, Wait for You and Trust in Me, we meet Cameron and Avery. I liked their story, but it wasn’t anything compared to this one. In this installment of the series, we learn more about Jase (Cameron’s best friend) and Teresa’s (Cameron’s little sister) relationship. 
“I said it before and I’ll say it again. Sometimes some really good things came from something unexpected.”
49% (e-ARC)
     What I loved most about this was the emotion. It felt so real. At certain times I was literally heart broken with the characters. At other times I had to touch my heart due to the swoony  parts. And other times I felt my heart beating super fast because I was anxious or scared. There were times I had to put the Kindle down because I was either freaking out or swooning. Especially that climax scene at the end? Yeah my heart was in my throat. Not cool.
“Time was a funny and fickle thing. Sometimes there was never enough of it, and other times it stretched out endlessly.”
50% (e-ARC)
     Now the reason I picked this to read next was I’ve recently been in a HUGE book slump. Nothing has been able to hook me lately and I’ve been really stressed out about that. So I went with one of my go to authors. I think I was just in need of some amazing romance. And of course, JLA delivered. I’m pretty sure I say this with every JLA book I read, buttt I’m pretty sure Jase has risen to my top 3 fave JLA boys. He has a huge secret that he won’t tell anyone and its obviously eating him up. I have no idea what he was actually going through having never been in that situation, but geez, he seemed so broken throughout the entire book! I felt so sorry for him. I hated that he had to even go through that. And to keep all that on his mind all the time? I felt so bad for him. And there was Tess. She was broken as well. She goes through so much in this book and I hated reading about what she had to experience. But when they finally got it all figured it out my heart swelled. I loved seeing them together. And I loved seeing them with the other person as well. It really warmed my heart. I won’t talk about it too much for spoilers, but just know that if you don’t crack a smile every time this one character is around, something is wrong lol
“He shot me a look that scorched. ‘I wanted to make this perfect. I wanted to wait, but I can’t now.'”
68% (e-ARC)
     The only reason I’m not giving this 5 stars is because I was really upset that I was able to “predict” some of the bigger events that happened. There were two things I was able to call way before I even got to the part where it came up in the book. I’m not sure if it’s because I have read so many contemps with deeper issues, but I knew exactly what would happen. Except for one plot twist. It was the only one I wasn’t expecting and I can’t lie, I had to put the book down for a little bit after that. I just had to calm down.
“I know you didn’t want to hear this before, but you’re going to listen now. The fucker is stupid, but the fucker loves you.”
88% (e-ARC)
     But, of course, its by JLA so it was still a great read for me. I really felt like this one had a lot more depth than her other contemps with all the plot twists and turns. I will definitely say this is my favorite one of the series. 
Overall, I give this
P.S. I LOVE the fact that my friend Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes made it “into” this book! So stinking cool and huge props to JLA for including one of her biggest fans! 

One thought on “Be With Me by J. Lynn

  1. Oh Nikki! Your review makes me want to drop EVERYTHING and read this! I have it for review, but haven't found a free second! I clearly need to remedy that and fast!

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