Top Ten Things on my Reading Wishlist!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Things on my Reading Wishlist!

 1. More Meet Cutes!: And yes I already know about the super cute anthology from HMH Kids and I already have an ARC and I am chomping at the bit trying not to read it yet. *ahem* In other words, I’m excited for it.

2. More tales where the villain is the love interest: This concept just isn’t done enough for me. It makes the story so much more interesting!

3. More diversity!: Ok more books with diversity are coming out, but I want something that is more than just a POC or a character with a disability. Give me a POC that has a disability. YOU KNOW, LIKE ME. Just want to remind authors that you can be diverse in more than one way.
4. YA Thrillers: Last year I read so many and was excited for so many. This year so far I think I’ve read one. There have been so little that I have went to adult thrillers to compensate.

5. YA horror: I don’t think I’ve ever read one to be honest. I need a Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark for YA. Please and thank you.

6.If you’re gonna include the sex scene, include a scene about wrapping it up!: Adding something that says your character is wrapping it up does not make the scene less smexy. Where did that thought even come from anyway? We’ve come to the realization that this is happening in the YA community, so now, let’s make it safe for them. 

7. More re-tellings about other tales than the tried and true ones: I need more like Little Red Riding Hood, The Little Mermaid, and Rumpelstilskin. Give me one of Jack and the Beanstalk and I’ll be REALLY IMPRESSED lol 

8. Dragons: I want more dragons. The two I had on my TBR for this year didn’t pan out so well. tell me there are more happening. 

9. Kick ass assassins: I know this troupe is for the most part over, but I really want it to start back again. And please, leave off the tagline that it’s “Throne of Glass” meets ______________. Just let it be about an assassin and have them hunting people down. 

10. World-Building: I’ve realized that there has been more showing and not telling and more a tale of the plot and authors are forgetting about the world around them. It’s time to start remembering that there is more out there, and to start showing us the world the characters live in too! 

What about you?
Do you have any of these things on your list?!

3 thoughts on “Top Ten Things on my Reading Wishlist!

  1. OOoh I am liking these topics!! I think there might be an older title that was a fairy tale retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk!

    Here it is!

    It's older and I never did read it, I read some of this series wayyy back when it first started before I even knew it was a series and continued! Lol! Had such little access to book knowledge back then!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I would LOOVEEE more villainy books, which reminds me that I need to finish the Young Elites series.

    A retelling I really want is Blackbeard – beheaded wives and all!

  3. I have a BLUEbeard re-telling from a while ago. It was really good, but wasn't dark enough for me. (Strands of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson)

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