Stir Me Up by Sabrina Elkins

e-ARC, 245 pages

Release Date: October 1, 2013
Published by: Harlequin Teen


Source: NetGalley (A huge thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Teen)
For fans of: Realistic Fiction, Romance, Contemporary,  YA

     Cami Broussard has her future all figured out. She’ll finish her senior year of high school, then go to work full-time as an apprentice chef in her father’s French restaurant, alongside her boyfriend, Luke. But then twenty-year-old ex-Marine Julian Wyatt comes to live with Cami’s family while recovering from serious injuries. And suddenly Cami finds herself questioning everything she thought she wanted.
     Julian’s all attitude, challenges and intense green-brown eyes. But beneath that abrasive exterior is a man who just might be as lost as Cami’s starting to feel. And Cami can’t stop thinking about him. Talking to him. Wanting to kiss him. He’s got her seriously stirred up. Her senior year has just gotten a lot more complicated….


      Can’t take the heat? Then go “IN” the kitchen. And trust me, everything about this is HOT. From the beginning where they’re arguing, all the way to the ending where they can’t keep their hands off each other.

“A hero is just an ordinary person placed in extraordinary circumstances.”

     In this book, Cami is in a relationship with her boyfriend Luke and she stays with her dad who is a chef. She works with them both at her dad’s restaurant and her life is going great. But then something happens with her step-mom’s nephew (who’s like a son) and he’s forced to move in to their house. He has an attitude that’s out of this world. With him in the house, everyone is put on edge….

“You didn’t make this… It’s too good.”

     I loved just about everything in this book. The romance was so amazingly sweet I couldn’t stand it. Several times I found myself getting teary eyed because of his injury and how Cami saw right past that. I loved that she didn’t let that hinder her from being with him.

“Love is difficult.”

     I also loved how the recipes were in the back of the book! I can already see myself trying out those apple strussel muffins. I think that will be a super fun and good project whenever I can try it. I also want to try Midnight soup. It sounded amazing!

“Cyborgs are hot.”

     The one thing I didn’t like was the characters. Cami was a little over-dramatic which made her a lot of annoying. If an event happened that could be categorized as a 3, she always made it to a 15 with her reaction. Such as the last time we see Luke… All the crying and stuff? Really? Was that NOT just YOUR decision? It was just weird to me. And then with their transition between non-friends to lovers… That was even more weird. I mean, you go from hating her and yelling at her every time you spoke to her, to smiling and being nice and kissing. It just needed a smoother transition.

“Do you want more room? No I want less.”

     I chose to read this book now because I needed a light and fluffy read after all the action and suspense I’ve been reading and it definitely served its purpose. Elkins has “served up”

Overall, I give this


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