Waiting on Wednesday: 9/11/13

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what we’re waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) for! It’s hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine!

Not a Drop to Drink

     Regret was for people with nothing to defend, people who had no water. 
     Lynn knows every threat to her pond: drought, a snowless winter, coyotes, and, most importantly, people looking for a drink. She makes sure anyone who comes near the pond leaves thirsty, or doesn’t leave at all.
     Confident in her own abilities, Lynn has no use for the world beyond the nearby fields and forest. Having a life means dedicating it to survival, and the constant work of gathering wood and water. Having a pond requires the fortitude to protect it, something Mother taught her well during their quiet hours on the rooftop, rifles in hand.
     But wisps of smoke on the horizon mean one thing: strangers. The mysterious footprints by the pond, nighttime threats, and gunshots make it all too clear Lynn has exactly what they want, and they won’t stop until they get it….
     With evocative, spare language and incredible drama, danger, and romance, debut author Mindy McGinnis depicts one girl’s journey in a barren world not so different than our own.
Release Date: September 24, 2013
Published by: Katherine Tegen Books

Why I’m waiting: I have to admit at first I didn’t want to read this because it sounded absolutely crazy, but as the reviews for it started pouring in, I began to see what the big deal about it was. I’ve seen mostly 5 star reviews and I want to see what everyone is so excited about! Plus, if you know me, you know I’m not the biggest dystopian fan, but blogger friends have said to go ahead and give this one a try because it will change my mind! 

4 thoughts on “Waiting on Wednesday: 9/11/13

  1. Nice! Been seeing lots of this one lately! Hope you enjoy it too!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Awesome pick. This was in my WoW a few weeks back and it really sounds good. Hope we both get to read it soon 🙂

    Happy Wednesday!


  3. I have to write my review of this one tonight! I finished it a couple of days ago and I really enjoyed it!!! It was so different and I really liked that.

  4. I'm not a dystopian fan either, but I have this one on my tbr. I actually have an arc that I will be reading soon. I hope we both enjoy it!
    My WoW

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