TTT: Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Most Memorable Secondary Characters
*These are in no particular order.

1. Rue from The Hunger Games: Yeahhhh EVERYONE cried at that moment. EVERYONE.
Photo from Google.

2. Sirius Black from the Harry Potter series: I LOVED him and I was so upset when we lost him. I just hated that Harry lost almost everyone that he cared about. 
Photo from Google. 

3. Iko from The Lunar Chronicles series: We all knew this would make my list lol I love Iko and she’s been so absolutely amazing through out the series!
Photo from Google. 

4. Olive from Unbreak my Heart: She reminded me of my own sister so much! Always wanting to be around me and be like me. It was very very cute!
Photo from Goodreads

5. Andrea from Frigid: I loved her! She was so funny to me and so good at reading her best friend. I loved that she talked a lot of shit but was able to back it up!
Photo from Goodreads

6. Matty from How My Summer Went Up in Flames: He was so funny and although everyone else let Rosie get away with everything, Matty was the only one that could keep her in line!
Photo from Goodreads

7. Dan from The Summer I Became a Nerd: Dan was one of the best friends ever! He would not let Maddie hurt Logan no matter how much he liked her. I was happy Logan had someone so loyal. 
Photo from Goodreads
8. Max from My Life After Now: He was hilarious. I would be his bff in a heartbeat! 
Photo from Goodreads

9. Isaiah in Pushing the Limits: Guys, this is when I fell in love with him. Before we even knew he had a story. I wanted him to end up with Beth, but then when her story came out, I just wanted him to be happy. I’m so glad he finally gets to be happy! (Look out for his story finally, Crash Into You, coming in November!)
Photo from Goodreads

10. Colby from The Dead and Buried: I know I wasn’t the only one who was creeped out by what happened to him. He was just a little boy! But he was super cute when a ghost wasn’t messing with him. 
Photo from Goodreads

Who made your list?!

8 thoughts on “TTT: Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters

  1. I agree with Rue and Sirius. On my TTT list, I substituted Rue for Prim, because Prim spans through the entire series and is one of Katniss's driving factors. Plus, I included Ron and Hermione because they supported Harry and were with him throughout all of his dangerous adventures. I agree with what you said about all of Harry's adult role models being killed.
    Check out my TTT:

  2. Nice list! From How my Summer Went on flames I like Matty and Spencer….I loved this book!

    Thanks for stopping by My Top 10 Tuesday

  3. Sirius made my list too!!!! Yay! And I can't believe I forgot Rue… shame on me!!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

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