Follow Friday: School is in Session!

Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee’s View & Alison Can Read.    

The goal is to increase blog followers and make friends. Basically how it works is you follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. So looking forward to making new blogging friends & following blogs!

Make an imaginary reading list for the English Lit class you are teaching this semester!

 2657GoldenMy Life After Now
Thousand Words6443349

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: It’s my favorite book ever and I feel like EVERYONE needs to read this! And I mean come on, its a CLASSIC!
  2. Golden by Jessi Kirby: I wished I had read this when I was in high school. Just to get me thinking about which way I want to take my life. Because trust me, at 18 I was only thinking about what I would do the next day lol 
  3. My Life After Now by Jessica Verdi: This is a MUST for teens. It will get them thinking about staying protected! It shows all the ways the virus HIV can be contacted and that its not to be played with. 
  4. Thousand Words by Jennifer Brown: This is another MUST for teens. In this day and age EVERYTHING is digital and teens treat their phone as if its an extension of their hand. (I’m guilty of it too!) This will serve as a eye opener to the ones that think this kind of behavior is acceptable. 
  5. The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan: You may laugh, but when I read this, I learned all the different gods and goddessess and what they represented and things like that. More so than I learned from The Illiad lol So I would have them read this series first just to get the feel for it and then we could tackle Homer! 

20 thoughts on “Follow Friday: School is in Session!

  1. Hopping through. I read To Kill a Mockingbird in ninth grade and loved it. A must read.
    My Hop

  2. Love the reasoning behind your choices! 🙂 Great list, I guess I need to read 'Thousand Words' ASAP, huh? New follower on Bloglovin, Twitter, GFC.

    My FF:

  3. I want that box in that Percy Jackson series picture. I bet it would make me a half-mortal. I'm a huge fan of Greek mythology and I love the updated twist on the Gods and places. Like how LA is the doorway to the underworld.

    new follower via bloglovin

    My FF

  4. I've seen a few people recommend the Percy Jackson series, it's making me want to start the series now!

    I love your book choices, I think I'd love to join your class. I've heard great things about Golden and My Life After Now.

    I also had To Kill A Mockingbird on my list 🙂

    My Friday Hop

  5. AAAH I love Percy Jackson! I actually read To Kill A Mockingbird for an english class. It was hard to understand at first but I love the premise 🙂 Great picks! New follower 😀

  6. You make me want to pick up those books I've never heard of and read them!
    I definitely agree that Percy Jackson should be read.. it makes greek mythology a little easier to understand.
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Old follower via Bloglovin!
    Megan @ Love, Literature, Art, and Reason

  7. Love the Percy Jackson series! Check out my FF at 🙂 New follower!

  8. Percy Jackson almost made my list! Poe replaced him, but I have Harry Potter! Great list! 🙂

    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  9. ooo! That is a pretty percy Jackson set! I love your class! Where do I sign up!!

    New twitter follower, old bloglovin!

    My FF + Giveaway!

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

  10. Neat list – I like the variety! I really love To Kill A Mockingbird! New GFC follower!

  11. I haven't heard of most of these books, but your descriptions make me want to pick them up! Thanks for the recs!
    New bloglovin follower 🙂
    Here's my FF post.

  12. Yes! That was my favorite part of the Percy Jackson series. I love that it connects to something in this day and age!

  13. You should definitely read the Percy Jackson series. Its one of my favorites. I'm currently listening to it on audiobook and I love it even more!

    And you're welcome to join my class lol We have fun with reading!

  14. I LOVE To Kill a Mockingbird. It gets easier after you read it the first 2 or 3 times… (Oh that's only me?) smh lol

  15. TKAM is pretty awesome. Here's mine Backchatting Books F&F
    Old Bloglovin' follower
    Vilia @ Backchatting Books

  16. +JMJ+

    The first Percy Jackson book came out one year after I stopped teaching high school, and I couldn't believe the bad timing! The series would have been great for my students to read while learning about the Greek gods and goddesses.

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