TTT: Favorite Beginnings or Endings!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Favorite Beginnings or Endings of Books
*These are in no particular order.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)Eleanor and ParkThousand Words
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling: The war scene was epic. King’s Cross was epic. Everything was just epic. And the epilogue was just what I needed. I had to see what happened later on in their life. 
2. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell: Although the ending was heartbreaking, it was still so good. My heart literally broke for them. 

3. Thousand Words by Jennifer Brown: Ashleigh had so much going on with her throughout the entire story. I felt so bad for her. In the end she received her HEA and I was extremely glad for her. 

Shade (Shade, #1)The Distance Between UsSecond Chance Summer
4. Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready: The beginning of this was sooooo sad, but it sparked the beginning of a great series. I must admit losing him was hard, but I err Aura was able to work through it just fine lol 
5. The Distance Between Us by Kasie West: I HATED that there were so many people fighting against them. I was happy they got their HEA and stopped listening to what everyone else said. 
6. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson: I boo-hooed at the end. Those notes touched me like nothing else ever did. That is all there is to say. That and I basically loved every bit of this book. 
 Tiger LilyThe Fault in Our StarsCatching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)
7. Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson: The letter to Peter from Tink at the end of this one is phenomenal!
8. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: Enough said. I cried and cried and cried but still loved it so much. 
9. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins: OMG I was literally looking bug eyed when I read that ending. I knew something big was going to happen, but I didn’t think it would be THAT big! I still haven’t read Mockingjay because I need to mentally prepare myself for it. 
Of Poseidon (Of Poseidon, #1)
10. Of Poseidon by Anna Banks: The cliff hanger at the ending of this one had me flipping the pages at the end looking for more of the story. I was a little upset that Banks would do that to us lol 

17 thoughts on “TTT: Favorite Beginnings or Endings!

  1. I really want to read The Distance Between us, so I'm glad to know that the ending was really good! 🙂 My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  2. Haha, I forgot about Of Poseidon, but I remember that one got me so mad; there should be a warning on the book, telling readers to prepare for the second book!!!!!!

    Great list!!! Made me think of so many books!

  3. Good list, I loved The Fault in Our Stars as well and the ending made me cry as well.

  4. Huntsville, eh? You are just up the road from me! Happy to meet another reader here in Texas!

    Here's my list of favorite first lines.

  5. I loved that cliffhanger at the end of Of Poseidon! It was so exciting. Great choice!

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  6. I'm about to start Tiger Lily, so glad it made an impression on you!!! Great list (gotta love Harry Potter). Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    YA Sisterhood

  7. Ooh I should have included Eleanor and Park! The ending is absolutely perfect. And excuse me, I need to go get some tissues over the TFIOS ending.

    Great list!

  8. Didn't Second Chance Summer just kill you in the best of ways? It's on my list too. So fantastic!

    Great list!

    My TTT List

  9. I like how you described the HP ending as "epic." That sums it up perfectly!! I'm planning to read The Fault in Our Stars within the next two weeks! Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  10. Oh yes! The ending of Catching fire was too suspenseful. I had to read Mockingjay that same night. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. HOW COULD I FORGET CATCHING FIRE'S ending?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! I am crazy. I was devastated. DEVASTATED NIKKI! Ok, I'll stop being all shouty. I seriously considered putting Shine on my list because I was so happy at the end. Otherwise, you have a lot of books on here that I still need to read!

    Thanks for stopping by chica!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  12. I bought Eleanor & Park but now I'm kidda scared if you say the end is heartbreaking! The Distance Between Us and Tiger Lily are on my list also and I'm glad you liked the endings!

    My TTT

    Ally @ Book Fixation

  13. I LOOOVE TIGER LILY! That ending–ugh, ripped my heart out! ELEANOR & PARK was great, OF POSEIDON was a cliffhanger, SHADE started with action, and THE FAULT IN OUR STARS…I don't even want to talk about it. Thanks for stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  14. I had the same reaction to the end of Catching Fire and The Fault in Our Stars. I still need to read Tiger Lily and Eleanor & Park now. Thanks for sharing!

  15. I haven't read Eleanor and Park or Shade yet, but I was happy to see them on your list since they are coming up on tbr list!!

  16. Lovely list! Omg you should definitely read Mockingjay ASAP XD And I loved Of Poseidon's ending too <3

    Thanks for dropping by my TTT post! 😀

    – Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

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