Armchair BEA: Giveaways and Literature!


     When I’m upset I use retail therapy to make me feel better. And of course that shopping list always involves books.  So, I’m assuming the rest of you are like me. And like me, you are upset that you can’t make it to BEA πŸ™ So I’m holding a giveaway just for you! Your prize is shopping for one book on Amazon for $10 or less and I will purchase it and ship it to you! (You must be 13 years or older to participate, you cannot be attending BEA, you must be participating in Armchair BEA, and sorry folks, but this is USA participants only!) 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

General Literary Fiction

     So, this topic said to be creative, so I’m going to tell you all a little story….Sit back and grab some popcorn! The title is: Books that Have Changed my Life

     When I was a little girl, my mom used to read to me all the time. My favorite two books were 
Goodnight Moon and Green Eggs and Ham.
     Pretty soon I began to follow along and read by myself. When my mom realized that I could read by myself I was 4 years old. To this day we have no idea how I learned to read. We just know that I followed along and next thing we knew I was a reading machine and a The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners fanatic! 
     This may seem like a pretty cool feat, but it got me in trouble. In school I would read
Dick And Jane Reading Collection (Collection: We Look, Something Funny, Jump And Run, Guess Who, Go Away, Spot, Go, Go, Go, Away We Go, Who Can Help, We See, We Work, We Play, Fun With Dick & Jane, Volumes 1  12)
my readers at home and then tell my classmates the ending when we were supposed to be discussing it.
     In fifth grade I picked up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1). I fell in LOVE with the series. I remember following it all the way up until the last one came out years later when I was a high school grad. I loved them so much, for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4) I was the first person in Galveston, Tx to have it (because I had went to a midnight release party) and they took my picture and I was in the paper and everything. In between waiting on the Harry Potter novels to come out, I found out I was addicted to Kristy's Great Idea (The Baby-Sitters Club, #1). I had the entire collection. 
     As I grew older, I read anything I could get my hands on. I started to read books where I related to the characters by skin color. How Stella Got Her Groove Back That in turn sparked my love for adult novels. The problem was, I was merely a teen and my mom was trying to monitor everything I read. So then I turned to everything that I had to read for class, with my favorite being To Kill a Mockingbird. This is a small miracle, because I naturally, I hate anything that I’m forced to read. 
     Finally, when I got to college I was still reading adult novels but by then, the Twilight (Twilight, #1) craze had hit because the movie was coming out. I’m someone that REFUSES to watch the movie before reading the book, so I finally gave in and read it… From then on I was addicted to paranormal romance and even more so YA books. 
As you can see, books changed me even as a small child and I want to make sure they all get their credit. 
What about you? What books have changed your life? 

23 thoughts on “Armchair BEA: Giveaways and Literature!

  1. thanks for sharing. I would not say literary fiction is something that changed my life. I enjoy the art of writing in those books, and I guess they all change me page by page

  2. Ha! Your life of reading almost mirrors mine (only I probably came along a little before you did). I started reading at a very young age, no idea how young, it feels like I have always been reading. My mother tried to sensor the books I read, but in my teens I had moved into the "adult" category of books. Harry Potter came out when I was in college and reignited my love of YA. So I guess looking back, I read mostly "adult" books as a teenage and, now that I am an adult, I read mostly YA. LOL! πŸ™‚

  3. I would have to say many of those same books changed (influenced?) my life too! I might have to add Little House books to the list though…

  4. I hate a lot of books I was assigned to read, too. I did like To Kill a Mockingbird and Fahrenheit 451 even though they were assigned! Fun post!

  5. I tend not to read many literary novels because they are slower reads for me. I wish I could have attended BEA but I'm really enjoying the Armchair BEA. It's my first year and it's been so much fun. Love meeting new bloggers!

  6. Oh my God lol. GREEN EGGS AND HAM. That was all my Kinder teacher would read to us ._. She was obssessed

  7. I haven't participated before, but I'm having a lot of fun this year πŸ™‚

  8. I love gift cards! With so many TBR books, it's a great way to get started:)

  9. I hear you on the retail therapy…I have been helped in the saving money side side of things these past few years by obessively putting books on hold from the library when things get sticky at work!

  10. I have never taken part in Armchair BEA until this year. It's fun.

  11. Definitely Harry potter, those books perked up my love for reading. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. This is my first ABEA and I'm having a blast. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Gift cards are the best giveaway. 2nd bea for me.

    cenya2 at Hotmail dot com

  14. I have not participated but think it sounds fun! This year's sounds great so far! Thanks!

  15. This is my first Armchair BEA. I have never been to BEA.

    Visiting with other bloggers has been great! And the giveaways are too.

    Following you via GFC now. Here's my Armchair BEA Introduction post:

    I have been underwhelmed by some of my book choices this year. I am looking for book recommendations in my giveaway. Please stop by:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Tallulah A. @ MAD Hoydenish

  16. I haven't before, but I love how it allows those of us who can't go to BEA to still feel included πŸ™‚

  17. My kind of retail therapy!! Who need shoes when there are books to be read?!?! Love the giveaway!

  18. This is my second year doing it, it's probably one of my favorite events. I didn't get around to visiting as many blogs so far as I would have liked, but I'm slowly catching up.

  19. Goodnight Moon is a family favorite in our home!! I'm a fellow Texan and loved reading about your travels to Galveston! A true bibliophile!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her